Volume 1 Chapter 21 Vengeance Is Mine!

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Previously: A few minutes later they start to feel the wax enter their bodies. SoulReaper finally woke up and is looking around from above. "Huh? What's that in the distance?" As she made her way to the thing she see's in the distance Luffy and Usopp make their way to help their friends.

But just as they try to save their friends it's too late and they all get put on the wax birthday cake and start to get closer and closer to becoming wax statues. "Luffy you idiot, now who's going to save us?" Nami said scared. "Zoro what are we going to do?" No answer comes from him. She looks over and he's almost completely covered by wax his eyes and mouth is all that's left in the open and his bleeding legs. #3 Laughed at their worried looks and sounded like he was turned on by their misery. #5 & #3 & his assistant are watching the pirate Crew suffer and turned into wax figures but then a sudden explosion happened behind them and a familiar face stood there confidently.

She looks up to see her friends slowly dying infront of her and they all see her standing there tall and ready to fight. They all stop worrying and cheer her on, while the princess wonders what they see in her. "Who may you be girl?" #3 said arrogantly. She grits her teeth at the sight of this tragedy and then said,"I could say the same thing to you old man, oh hey hothead and a little girl. I'm here to help my friends if you don't mind please step aside." "You are going to save them don't make me laugh! And who are you calling old man!" #3 said with attitude towards her. She smirked devilishly at him and his reaction. This makes #3 feel uneasy and #5 steps forward to take her on and get revenge for failing last time. He smiles evily and says angrily,"How come you aren't dead? I thought I killed you bitch!" He shouted as he used his Devil Fruit powers and sent multiple explosives directly towards her but she drew her Abyssal Shard sword and the explosion got absorbed by her special blade. She looked at him with such intensity with her only eye showing. Her right eye stared back at him with such hate. He took a step back and got a shiver up his spine. He stood his ground the best he could. "Now like I said before please step aside I don't have anytime to waste here." Marianne used her Devil Fruit powers but it was no use for her against SoulReaper. She burned the paint that hit her body with Purplish Black flames that came from her Abyssal Shard sword. All the paint that hit the sword and her evaporated instantly. Then suddenly SoulReaper grabbed her Lucky sword and knocked out the little girl from afar with demon sword ability. #3 & #5 took a step back in absolute fear over her power. She stared at #5 and had enough of his shit.

She started walking towards him and kept getting hit by his devil powers but it was no use for him now her sword absorbed all the powerful attacks. "Abyssal Shard & Lucky Attack him and swallow him whole!" She slightly laughed at his terror as her sword started the move on their own and attack #5 at the same time and instantly kill him in one swift motion. They returned back to her and their blade's were drenched with his Crimson blood. 

She looked over at #3 who was the last one left to defeat and he was cowering in fear. "What on Earth are you!?" He shouted as he took multiple steps backwards. As she got closer she sheathed her two Swords and got out her Demonic Ice Sword WinterThorn. "Me? I'm SoulReaper and a member of the Straw Hat Pirates." He heard her name and instantly regreted everything..."You..you..are..The SoulReaper!?" He fell to his knees and bowed for mercy but as he looked up he saw her Emerald Green Eyes staring back into his eyes. She raised her sword and he cowered and she touched the wax birthday cake behind him and shattered it into tiny pieces freeing everyone almost instantly. She crouched down and grabbed his neck and picked him up from the ground. He dangled from her strong hand and she Sheathed her WinterThorn sword and grinned sadistically at him. "You know what old man?" "Ghmbn" He groaned weakly. "I'll see you in Hell!" She barrowed some power from her swords and crushed his throat to the point of his head detaching from his spine. She dropped his head to the ground and looked up to see Zoro slowly bleeding out. She ran to his side and used her Phoenix powers to heal his legs back to full capacity. She hugged him tightly and whispered,"Don't do anything so stupid again...you worried me." She looked at him,"But seriously what the fuck were you thinking!?" She hit his head. "Ow I'm sorry okay!" "That was close guy guy's?" Luffy said stupidly. Nami punched him in the head,"Ow what was that for." "If SoulReaper wasn't with us then we would be dead."

Meanwhile Back To Sanji~ He's drinking tea while everyone is struggling to survive and then he finds #3's personal phone that goes to the boss man #0 and he makes a fool of himself, he also gets the log post for Alabasta so they won't have to stay there a year for the log post to reset. He walks back to where the others are and is just about to be punched in the face by SoulReaper and Nami when he said something about the boss man and the log post.

They all get on the ship and say farewell to Brogy and Dory. Sanji and Zoro's competition for get the biggest was cut short with Nami yelling at the to hurry up. They got all the meat they could on the boat and set the sail for Alabasta. On their way there they travelled through a huge fish of the sea and Nami started to get sick, terribly sick. So much so that they need to find a doctor in order to save her and then they can stop the civil war that's happening to The Princess's Island.

Meanwhile on the deck SoulReaper is leaning up against the Sheep's head watching the ocean blue sparkle from the sunlight coming off of it. Someone comes up behind her and wraps their arms around her waist and pulls her closer as they whisper into her ear."What are you up too Rei?" She turned her head to see Zoro smirking devilishly at her and his Green Moss Eyed staring back into her Emerald Green eyes. "Well if you must know I'm worried about Nami and I tried to heal her with my powers but I guess my Phoenix powers can't heal illnesses but just physical injuries." He rested his head in her neck crease. "Hey I'm worried too but it's not your fault that you can't help, your not God...if you are please do prove me wrong."  He said laughing sarcastically. "Ha ha very funny, I know you're right. I must say that you and Sanji really do hate each other." "That cook means nothing to me." "Hmmm alright then, well guess what Zoro." "Hm....hmm...mhmm..." She turned around and got out of his grasps and grabbed his face and pulled him into a long hot kiss. She pulled away for a few seconds to breath but once she did he pulled her into another deep longing kiss. He pulled away and smirked devilishly at her,"You may not be a god but you are my goddess that's for damn sure." She smirked devilishly back and said,"Well a goddess always needs a god to reign with her." She ruffled his green hair and smiled genuinely at him. He smiled happily back,"You're not wrong there." To be continued

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