Volume 1 Chapter 8 Newest Member Of The Red Haired Pirates!!

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Previously: They all cheered and praised her for her actions, Shanks came down to the first floor and put her arm around her neck,"She is our newest member to the family, let's have a welcoming party on the sea!" He shouted that and then they started to release the sails but then she said something,"Wait!" They all stop moving and look at her,"Before we go, will you guys help me with my treasure I have. You do like money right?" They all look at her and smile,"Captain may you please come help me with the treasure is have." He picked a few to help them and they all followed her to her vault in the haul and what they saw was going to blow their minds!!!

Her haul was filled with millions of berries. And all types of gems and riches. "Do you like what you see Captain? I told you I always wanted to be a pirate." His eyes widened in shock and amazement that she has this much money stored in her small sail boat. "Now most of this Money will still be mine but you can take the rest, is that fair captain?" He smiled happily,"I'm fine with that, it's only fair, you are the one that just saved us from trouble from the Marines and gave us all this gold for free. Okay boys let's get to moving." They all carried it all into their vault of their haul.

Afterwards they partied and set off to sea with her ship attached to their gallon ship. They headed towards the grand line, they met all types of pirates Along the way and made alliances with them. And those who threatened the captain and crew paid with their lives by The SoulReaper cutting them down.  She is known as a Ex Bounty Hunter and a legendary Pirate of epic proportions, also a legendary Swordsman/woman. No one knows anything about her except that she is a sword wielder and she can fight with two sword style. Her crew and captain kept her secrets and will bring them to their graves. And vise versa for her, well she will hold them close to her chest.

It's been 2 years since that day they all met, and she became apart of the crew. She is one of Shanks top generals by his side. They were extremely attracted to each other but they moved passed that and they are just good friends instead. She's his right hand woman and best friend. They have come across a island and they are going to stock up on booze and food.

They arrived on Dawn Island, where Shanks meets a strange young boy named Monkey D. Luffy. Intrigued by the boy and enjoying the atmosphere of Luffy's village, he decided to make the island his crew's base for a short period of time, which turned into a year.

Shanks and the crew grew attached to the island and the strange kid named Luffy. Then one day with Shanks joking around with his crew and the small kid Luffy, some mountain bandits kick off the saloon door and enter with a nasty look on their faces. They demand to get sake but the red haired Pirates were drinking the last of it. Shanks offered the man a bottle that wasn't open and he broke it with his fist and the alcohol went all over the floor and Shanks. Shanks said sorry to Makino the bartender and asked for a towel to clean up the mess. Then the bandit leader took out his sword and broke more booze and the counter in anger and told him to clean it up like the dog he is. They left the saloon upset and called them pansy's. After they left then SoulReaper and Shanks crew Burst into laughter. Luffy screamed at them for laughing and called Shanks unmanly.... Then he ate the devil fruit they got from the grand line, he turned into a rubber man and SoulReaper giggled to herself and walked over to the two guys. "Luffy you silly kid, Hey Shanks there's no going back now. You have lost the ability to swim Luffy and you have become a rubber man." He freaked out. Shanks called him a dumbass.

A few hours later~ Luffy stood up against the bandits and defended Shanks and his crew. And demanded them to say sorry and take it all back. They didn't like that and the leader brought him outside and stepped on his face and said he was going to pay for making him angry, while he was saying this Luffy shouted at him for being scum and he demanded that he get off of him.

Then Shanks and his crew walked over and he made his same old humor. "So this is where everyone is, I wondering why the bar was abandoned the way it was." "You again, how about you get out of here before we have to make you." The bandit leader said laughing and a guy pointed a gun at Shanks head and then Shanks,"Are you willing to die? Are you willing to put your life on the line..guns aren't supposed to be use for threatening but for actions." Then suddenly one of his generals/officer's shot the bandit almost instantly after he said that. "These guys play dirty!" "You are staring down a bunch of pirates, we didn't say we are saints or anything." "Killed them men!" Benn and SoulReaper stepped infront of the others and smiled as they said,"Leave this to us. This shouldn't be to hard at all." They both look at each other and grin happily. Benn knocked them out with the end of his rifle and SoulReaper used her Abyssal Shard sword to cut them all up into bloody corpses but held back because of the small child Luffy being present. The leader looked at them in fear,"Listen up… You can pour drinks on me, you can throw food at me… You can even spit on me. I’ll just laugh that stuff off. But… Good reason or not… Nobody hurts a friend of mine." Shanks eyes stare at the leader in a deadly serious way, then just before the guy runs away SoulReaper appears behind the leader and holds her sythe up to his neck and said,"Don't even think about using that smoke bomb...or you will lose your head right here. Let go of him right now." The bandit leader dropped the kid and then fell to his knees in pure fear of his life. Luffy walked over to Shanks and they talked about what it means to be a man. SoulReaper giggled happily and grabbed the bandit's shirt and dragged him to the ocean and heard a Creature near by. A big monster appeared out of the water and everyone freaked out except for Shanks and the other officers. Luffy screamed out at SoulReaper to run away. He is attached to her and Shanks. She just looked back at him and shook her head. She started talking to the Creature and it whimpered in fear and let her pet it. She laughed,"I know right, how rude. Here I have a peace offering for you. How about you join us, instead of wandering in this Ocean alone?" The creature screeched and everyone covered their ears in pain. She smiled big and threw it the bandit leader and he ate him whole while rubbing up against her hand. She patted it's nose and turned around with a big smile on her face,"Rex I'll be right back." It whined and then she walked back over to her crew and Luffy. She waved at Luffy staring at her in awe,"Wow you are Soo cool SoulReaper!" She crouched down and smiled at him,"Aww thank you for the compliment Luffy. So are you for standing up for us no matter what happened. You are a man in my book." She sat down and rested up against the well. And closed her eyes to rest up, talking to animals is very exhausting especially if they are really big in size.

Later that day they were leaving the island to set back out to sea. Shanks and Luffy talked and he have him his special straw hat. And they said their goodbyes and Luffy said he was going to become the king of the pirates. They all wished him good luck and just before they left SoulReaper walked over to where Shanks and Luffy are and she walked past her Captain,"I'll be right there captain. She crouched down and smiled at him with her Mask down like usual. She stared into his eyes and said,"Luffy, you have changed how I think about the world and even for the rest of the crew including Shanks. I hope that we see each other soon in the future, I'm looking forward to seeing you become a great pirate. I don't have anything physically to give you but I can tell you something very special to me." He nodded and listened very carefully. "I'm known as The SoulReaper but many few know my real name, only Shanks knows. When we next meet it will be far into the future so as a parting gift I'll tell you my name. Rei Hinata Karasuma, that's my full name. If you hear my name then you know it's me... don't forget me and the boys. Goodbye for now Luffy." She smiles one last time and then pulls up her mask and walks away from him and whistles to the sea and Rex her pet sea monster follows them out of the port. Luffy and the town waved goodbye to them and Luffy held the straw hat on his head and from that forth he was determined to be the king of the pirates.... Meanwhile on the ship,"So what did you say to him?" Shanks said as he directed his ship out of port. She smiled and whispered into his ear,"I told him my full name." His eyes widened,"Are nuts, he might say something." She shook her head,"He's not that stupid even though he acts like it, and if he is. He's very loyal to us, he risked his life just defend our name as great pirates." "That's true, I trust your judgement. Also why is there a monster following us?" "Oh that's just Rex, I tamed him as a pet you could say." His eyes widened,"How in the world did you.." "I guess I should have stated I can speak to animals of all kinds." "What!? You should have told me this!?" "Sorry about that, I must have forgotten." He scolded her for not telling her a really important detail and then they made up after drinking booze like usual.... To be continued

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