Volume 1 Chapter 5 New Friends And Misunderstandings!!

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Previously: She smiled at him and then looked at him,"You know what Shanks I want to thank you for coming this way." He was still shocked at how hot she is. "Why do you say that? You don't sound so scary. You aren't what anyone said you were.." She smiled at his remarks,"Thanks, to be honest you are the first pirate to live long enough to see my face." He went on edge when she said that so calmly but with a hint of evil aura seep out. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I like you, and that's rare." She smiled genuinely at him as then stood up from the table and walked over to the door to lead to the deck. "But, do you want to see my swords?" His eyes followed her like a puppy and he grinned,"I'd love to see them." He followed her out to the deck and he watched her reach for her lucky sword on her back. He saw his crew go on alert and one panicked, a newbie recruit pulled out his gun. Shanks screamed at his crew to stand down but it was too late,"No!" He shouted as she got shot in the chest by the pistol.... She fell to the ground and her hand fell to her side...

He ran to her side and apologize continuously with a sad look in his eyes,"Damnit!" His crew grabbed the newbie and dragged him into the below deck for punishment. Then suddenly her right hand twitched, his eyes widened in shock, he just froze in place by her side. She slowly pushed herself back up and coughed up blood and said,"Damnit that hurt. Don't worry it, it was a misunderstanding so it's fine." Shanks and his crew was frozen in place seeing and hearing her come back from the dead. She sat up and looked at Shanks and smiled with blood dripping out of her mouth."You look like you've seen a ghost, cheer up Shanks I'm fine." She spit out blood and then stood up and held out her hand for him to grab,"What.. just happened." He said still in shock. She grabbed his hand and pulled him up herself. "That's a secret Shanks, but if you want to know... I'll only tell you if you will be my friend?" He went to in shock to happy right away,"Then it's settled we are now friends." He held out his hand and she shook it happily.

She streached as her chest Healed up, he saw this and the questions kept piling up in his head. "Since your crew doesn't trust me I'll show you one of my swords but you get to choose, I mean it's only fair since you have one sword yourself." She chuckled to herself and then grinned. "Nah I'm just kidding I'll show you all of them." She reached for her lucky sword and pulled it out with her right hand. He took a step back from her in awe of how pretty her sword looks. "Yeah I know, but how about we do a little duel Mister Shanks." He smirked slightly,"Sure, I'm up for a friendly fight." "I'll just use this one sword." She said grinning sadistically at him. He gets a chill up his spine and then he pulls out his long sword, they both stare each other down.

She lunges towards him and they both cross swords just like on his flag. She grins and so does he, she pushes against his weight and he laughs,"Wow you are very strong for a woman." She whispered,"You have no idea.." She said just loud enough for only him to hear. And then she changed her swords form as a longer and more curved blade. His eyes widen at her sword change in shape he took a step back and then pushed off of her and rolled backwards. She slashed towards the side and then it went back to it's normal size. He gasped at this happening and so did the crew. She sheathed her sword and then took out her ice sword with it's true powers hidden. It was a katana in shape and it was just as pretty as her other sword. His crew and him gasped in awe seeing it come out of it's sheath. She ran towards him and slashed upwards and he parried it and she blocked his sword with her other sword Abyssal Shard. "I thought you said you weren't going to use your other sword?" "Well pirates lie from time to time and so do bounty Hunters." She smirked devilishly saying that and he chuckled softly,"I see, well, well played then." She pulled out her fire sword and made a X with her two swords against his one sword and then pushed him backwards and then sheathed her swords after spinning them. She did that and then backflipped untill she landed on her edge of her boat, she instantly sat down on the rail and looked at him with a smug smile on her face.

He sheathed his sword and then walked over to her and leaned up against the rail she was sitting on. She said something he and his crew didn't expect to come from a Bounty Hunter's mouth ever in their life. "I always wanted to be a pirate but never got a chance to find a good crew to join until now. If you would have me, I'd love to be apart of your crew Shanks. But if not then that's alright too, I just want your friendship at the end of the day." She sat on her rail and smiled genuinely at him with a shine in her Emerald Green Eyes. He just looked at her and stared at her Green eyes intensly, it looks like he's thinking about it. "Maybe, but we have to get to know you better, how about we stay here for the day and then by the morning after getting to know you I'll make my decision, does that sound fair?" She smiled,"That sounds great!" She hopped off the rail and then looked at him,"Can I go on your ship now? You know since you came onto mine." He chuckled,"Sure why not friend. Or should I say SoulReaper." She smiled and they both headed towards his ship over the plank of wood since she can't swim.... To be continued

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