Volume 2 Chapter 15: Execution? No Way!

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Previously: They have several new faces as part of their crew. Val is acting freer than ever. The new members are slowly growing to love their Vice Captain Val. It's been a week since Whitehaven. And they are running out of food because of their new member eating everything. Who knew a Dragonborn eats a lot. Anyways they are stopping at another island but of course, another person is in trouble and needs saving.

Val~"What's the situation?"

Zeta~"There's an execution being held."

Baz~" Val don't tell me you're..."

Before he could finish. She jumped off the ship and onto the deck. Most of them just facepalmed at her actions. The rest just looked confused. "Baz take care of my daughter." Crocodile said, sighing deeply with a cigar in the corner of his mouth. Baz looked at 3 people. "Vergo, Roz, and Marc come with me. Vargo no fighting unless I say." He jumped off the ship and started running. The 3 of them follow closely behind. "Marc you know what to do, we will use the snail phone watches to communicate with." Baz said as he ran down the street with the 3 others. "Alright." Marc said, blankly.

A few minutes later~

Marc got set up in a tall building across from the execution stage. He made his right hand and arm into a highly compact sniper rifle. His star-shaped eyes started to glow brightly. "I'm ready." He talked into the responder's snail wristwatch phone.

Roz stood by for backup. Waiting for a signal.

Meanwhile, Val is talking with Baz about a plan to save the guy without killing civilians. Vergo is waiting patiently for his Vice Captain's orders, just itching to kill someone. Then suddenly the marines appeared and the crew started to set their plan in motion.

Baz pushed past the crowd and lit a cigarette. "What's happening here?" The crowd turned to see who spoke. They went in shock over who it was. "Baz Ash!" The crowd screamed out in fear. He smirked devilishly as he smoked his cigarette. "That's right...." He signaled to Marc to do his job. He shot all the Marines near and on the platform in the neck with tranquilizer darts. And then shot off the chains of the prisoner. Baz disappeared and went to help Roz with the remaining troops nearby. Val jumped up to the platform and slashed straight through the seastone shackles. She sheathed her two main demonic swords smirking confidently. "Vargo your turn, carry him to the ship." He nodded his head and they walked towards their ship with swag. Baz had his hands in his pockets walking up straight and he smoked his cigarette. Marc slumped over while he walked with his hands to his side. Roz was smirked devilishly saying, "How pathetic." Vargo was carrying the barley conscious non looking human. He was disappointed because he wanted to kill some humans.

Then suddenly they heard,"Stop right there!" They all turn around to see a marine captain gritting their teeth, seething in anger. "Men get them!" Val smirked devilishly at his words. "There's no one coming to help you." Then she turned around and Marc shot him in the shoulder with a tranquilizer bullet.

They head back to the ship and wait for the non-human looking guy to wake up. He woke up and instantly attacked Val. She grabbed his wrist and his plasma blade just barely missed her face. "Hm? You aren't a marine?" He said, confused. She smirked slightly at his words,"No I'm not. I'm the one who saved your life from execution. You're welcome by the way." He instantly made the plasma blade disappear and then relaxed. "I see, sorry about that." She let go of his wrist and everyone else relaxed with their Vice-Captain. He bowed his head as he got down on his left knee. "If you would take me, I'd love to be part of your crew. I mean I do owe you all my life, especially you, Miss?" She smiled happily at his words. "Call me Val or Vice-Captain." He stood up and smiled,"Alright, you got it, Mistress." He laughed a bit and then grinned satisfied. "You can call me Klaus. But my full name is Klaus Remus. I'm a demon prince and I have lightning devil fruit powers." He grinned sadistically showing his sharp teeth. "Well, it's good to have you. This is Baz, my first mate. That scowling tall guy is my dad and the captain of the ship. Those two are Marc & Roz the rangers of the group. This brute is Vargo, he's a Dragonborn and bloodthirsty beast. This is Alice Carter, our master thief of the group. This serious-looking man is our scout and air support of the crew. Welcome, Klaus Remus Demon Prince....."

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