Volume 1 Chapter 24: Captured & Killed By A Sand Crocodile?

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Previously: After running around chasing the so-called," rebel army." They all decided to go directly towards where Crocodile is located instead.

Zoro, Usopp, Nami, Smoker, & Luffy were stuck inside an anti-Devil Fruit Powers cage.

Sanji, Chopper & Soul were looking for the others and the princess.

They eventually get the location of the others. Soul and Sanji arrived at the location and saw the princess was bloodied and in pain.

Ocean water rushed into the room, due to Crocodile's trap doors. Soul used her lucky sword to make a key shape. They all rushed out of the cell but then suddenly the building started to fall apart.

Luffy~ "Zoro save Smoker!"

Zoro~ "Why, he's the enemy!?"

Luffy~ "He has Devil Fruit Powers, just do it!"

Soul saw the whole room floor collapse onto itself and they all went through the hallway floor into the ocean. She saw everyone swimming up to the surface as she fell down towards the bottom of the ocean.

They all got to the surface and coughed up a fountain of water. But they looked around and got scared. "Where's Soul?" Luffy said, worried. Smoker looked over at Zoro and scowled at him. "Why did you help me?" Zoro glared at him. "I just followed my Captain's Orders." Then suddenly Sanji dived down towards the bottom of the ocean to see her reaching out her hand and slowly dying by drowning. He panicked and kicked his legs fastly and grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. He swam up to the top and got out of the water to see his crew already left him. And a group of Marines were coming his way. "You've got to be kidding me." He carried her bridal style and sprinted away from the crowd of Marines towards his crew direction.

Smoker watched as they ran away and sighed,"Those stupid Straw Hats..."

A few minutes later~ Lashes the Camel got help from a sand crab, Luffy and soul stayed behind to fight Crocodile while the others headed towards the City.

Soul used her lucky sword to catch the hook and Luffy replaced Vivi with himself.

They both landed in front of Crocodile and his partner. The others left to go to the City.

Soul and luffy stared down Crocodile & Mrs. Sunday.

"What's this? I haven't seen you before, girl." He said, looking at Soul with his eyebrows raised up. She reached for her lucky sword on her back. Luffy got up from the ground and raised his fist into the air and shook it. "I will defeat you! Crocodile!" He just looked at them both and burst into evil laughter. His laugh sounded familiar to SoulReaper but from where? They both dashed towards him and attacked him at the same time but he turned into sand and hit them from behind.

A few minutes later~ They both stood there exhausted and breathing heavily. "You have 2 mins out 5 left, stupid Straw Hats." He grinned sadistically with a huge cigar in the corner of the left side of his mouth. She sheathed her sword and reached for her Ice sword but then Luffy ran up to Crocodile like a fool. She pushed him out of the way down the quicksand pit and got impaled by his hook hand. She coughed out a ton of blood onto his right arm as he held her body into the air with his hook. He smiled widely at her pain and suffering. "SoulReaper!!! No!!" Luffy screamed out as she was impaled by his golden hook. She looked into Crocodile's eyes and something from her deep parts of her mind got unlocked. A dark truth came back to her and she started crying bloody tears as he discarded her into the quicksand pit. "Goodbye Straw Hat....And The Legendary SoulReaper...." He used his Devil Fruit Powers to reach the city before the other Straw Hats. Mrs. Sunday helped Straw Hat out of the pit and left as pale the bird guard helped Luffy as Soul stayed in the sandpit unconscious and was slowly healing back up.

SoulReaper sank down into the sand even deeper as she saw flashes of lost memories of her childhood.

Deep thoughts~

"Who's that man, I keep seeing?"

She keeps seeing a tall figure with a long coat trailing behind them. She grabbed onto it and fell backwards onto her butt. She started crying, he turned around and crouched down and held out his hand saying something she can't make out. She grabbed his hand and he picked her up and she rode on his broad shoulders. She saw a huge ship with huge sails. She remembers smiling big and laughing with the man who was with her on the big ship.

"Where am I?"

She remembers a room filled with shiny jewels in cases. The very tall man said something but she couldn't hear it correctly. She looked around and saw game hunter trophies. Posters of familiar faces but she can't make out their faces for some reason.

"Why can't I remember his face?"

She looked up at the man and all she saw his wide smile but his face was being covered by the bright sun. She remembers smiling happily and saying something,"I love you too, Daddy!" Her heart started to beat out of her chest. She came back to life from dying from suffocation.

Back to reality~

She crawled out of the pit and coughed out tons of sand and blood from her mouth. She was crying hysterically out of confusion and sadness.

"This can't be...my grandfather told me that my parents died...but I clearly remember everything before I came to the island on the grand line...Smoker? No way... there's just no way!"

She created ice and it melted almost instantly and she drank tons of water as she laid on the hot desert sand.

A few minutes later~ She was walking in the direction of where her crew members went. Her devil fruit Powers lessens the temperature effect.

"I can't believe it....I just can't..he can't be... neither of them." She said to herself and she was more flashes of her childhood. She was missing so much of her childhood, why didn't she notice. Her grandfather wasn't a normal swords blacksmith but a marine blacksmith. But he wasn't even her real grandfather. Her brother was actually a marine trainee. She was too. She remembered something else disheartening. It was the king of Phoenixes that locked her memories from her. She clenched her teeth in disgust. "I've forgotten my family and friends and my own past. I was a Marine in training with the now Captain Smoker."

Her true background~

She grew up with Crocodile on his huge ship. He was a caring father and very loving towards her. But he knew that he was dangerous and not a good influence for a little girl. So he dropped her off on a Marine Corp base to become a Marine. She was an orphan and very strong mentally and physically so the Marines took her in and Smoker became her adopted little brother. She was growing up to be a swordswoman of the marines. She wanted to be the queen of Pirates because of her father but when she was being trained personally by a Marine Captain she decided to become the Greatest Swordsman of the Two swords style. All she had left of her father was her sword,"Lucky." He left it with her for her to always remember that her father loves her no matter how far apart they are. ~~~~

She started to cry once more as she pulled out her lucky sword from her holster. She held the sheath in her hand and gripped onto it tightly. "My Father is Crocodile. And my adopted brother is Captain Smoker...I was a Marine...I was....was...lied too."

She clenched her teeth in disgust.

"I don't know what to do..."

"Save him or let him go..."

"Who do I choose..."



"The Straw Hats..."

To be continued...

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