Volume 2 Chapter 9: Secret Underground Fight Club? Part 1

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Previously: The next morning~ "Where are you Val!?" Baz shouted out worried. "Vice Captain Val!?" Roz shouted out panicked. "Find her or you won't..." She vaulted over the crows nest and landed in front of Crocodile. "Don't kill our only crewmates, that's not very nice or very smart for that matter." She said, yawning afterwards. Her right eye was bloodshot from crying all night. Her left one was covered up by her black eye-patch like usual. Crocodile glared at her,"Who made you cry?" She said nothing to her father's concerns. "Who upset you?" He asked again but she said nothing. "Tch...fine be that way." She stood there for a few seconds completely silent. Then she looked over at Marc. "What did you say yesterday about a club?" She was faking a smile but no one mentioned it and went along with her sudden question.

Roz~ "Oh right, there's a secret underground fight club, and we got two sign up sheets." He handed her the two sign up sheets.

Val~ She smirked devilishly at the sign up sheets now in her hands. "Baz...come here." She gestured for him to come join the group.

Baz~ He walked over and she handed him a sheet of paper. "What's this?"

Val~"You and me, are going to sign up for the underground fight club, to have a bit of fun. While we do that, Marc, Roz, I have a job for the two of you." She smirked even more. She whispered softly into their ear and they both nodded their heads in understanding. She walked over towards her father,"I want you to watch me fight. Without my swords." She handed him her swords and smiled confidently.

Everyone went into shock over her actions and words. "Are you crazy!?" Baz shouted out worried. She turned her head over at him with a deadly serious look in her eyes. "Don't question me." Baz covered his mouth in absolute fear. Crocodile smirked slightly,"I'm looking forward to seeing you fight without your weapons." She smiled happily at him. "Well I promise you this, I won't be holding back."

A few hours later~ "Val Quinn?" A guard at the front of the entrance said, looking down at a list of names written on a sheet of paper. She nodded her head saying,"That's me." He looked up and sighed softly. "Alright, you may pass." He took a step aside so she could walk inside the shady as hell place. It smelled like rotting corpses and sweaty pigs. She kept a blank expression across her face as she pushed past the crowd of people. They all scowled at her and some licked their lips at the sight of her body. She had a resting death glare across her face. Those who saw this distance themselves from being anywhere near her. She sat down in the dark corner waiting to be called on. Then suddenly she heard a familiar name being called from the speakers above her.

*Baz's POV~ I hear my name being called from above as soon as i enter the underground structure. I was escorted to a giant cage in the middle of the cavern. They locked it behind me with a nasty look in their eyes. As if they are expecting me to die here. I pull out a cigarette from my secret pocket in my suit jacket. I go to light it but something goes to attack me from behind. I block the attack with my foot, by spinning around quickly. "Hahaha, I guess you didn't read the fine print, there is no warning for when the fight starts!" A hear the figure that attacked me, shout out towards me at the top of his lungs. I continue to light my cigarette as I stare up into his primal looking eyes. "All bets are starting, of who will win this battle. The newcomer or one of our reigning champions, Argres, The Silverback Gorilla!?" I exhale slowly, letting out the smoke I inhaled. I pushed back against his giant fist and shattered it in an instant. It screamed out in pain as it went to attack me again but with the other hand. I see in the corner of my eye that my Vice Captain is watching my fight from the outside of the cage. I dropped my cigarette and just before it hit the ground. I jumped up towards the Gorilla's face. I dodged his moving fist mid air and then kicked through his skull and brain, in one swift movement. I land on the metal bars behind him. I push off of them, front flip and land on his lifeless body just as he hit the ground alongside my still lit cigarette. I look over at my Vice Captain and smirk slightly as I light myself another cigarette. I hear the audience gasp and start booing at my performance. I look over at the huge gate as it starts to rise. "Let's see if he can survive against our 2nd strongest champion! Brass, The Black Bear!" A bear huh? I wonder if it would taste good if Vice Captain cooked it with her cooking skills. I might have to use my trump card if it really is that strong. I dodged it's long sharp claws and inch towards the end of the cage. "Tch..." I can't get close enough to fight him because of the sharp claws he has. I have no choice but to use my trump card.*

Baz took out his cigarette and crushed it underneath his shoe. A weird black smoke started to come from his right foot. The smoke became black flames, rising up to his knees on both sides. His aura sent chills throughout the opponent's entire body causing him to shake uncomfortably. A few seconds passed and the entire underground was feeling his threatening aura and overwhelming power.

Val~"So he was holding back... when he fought against Marc & Roz. He's been holding back this entire time. Very intriguing." She said smiling happily and satisfied with seeing his true power.

Back to Baz~ The bear went to attack him again, even though he was shaking uncomfortably. Baz blocked both of the sharp claws with his right leg. The impact of the claws hitting his inhumanly strong legs cracked them down to it's giant hands. The impact sounded like an explosion because when he kicked he broke the sound barrier and turned the cracked claws to dust. The bear roared out in pain. He snapped and ran towards Baz on all fours. He opened his mouth and went for the kill. Baz just stood there and slowly lifted his right leg. His black flames extinguished on his left leg and all relocated at his right leg. "You know what bear? With this power I can do ranged attacks too. Just like your claws, I have my own trump card." He exhaled a puff of black smoke in the shape of a skull. The bear was inches from eating Baz but just before he was eating alive Baz axe kicked the air. He dropped his cigarette and as soon as it hit the ground. The bear body was split into two halves, straight down the middle. His flesh started to burn and fill the air with a disgusting stench. "There's nothing my kicks can't destroy." He said that but then the gate was lifted once more. "We will see about that, human." A deep, rough, and low voice was to be heard coming from the now opened gate. "Is that really, Vesper, The Cannibalistic Lizard!?" The Lizard was black and had red eyes. It was littered with scars of all types. It's left eye was completely destroyed and permanently closed. He had extremely thick scaly skin. "Cannibalistic Lizard Huh?" Baz said, curiously. The Lizard proved Baz's theory and it started to consume the two giant dead animals in the cage. Baz stood on the other side of the cage and watched him eat his previous opponents. He extinguished his devil fruit power and leaned up against the bars to rest his eyes. To be continued...

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