Volume 2 Chapter 1: New Crewmate & Conflicting Feelings...

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Previously: They both watched her disappear and then the room grew silent. Crocodile looked over at Smoker and held out his hands. Smoker went into shock over his actions. "But why?" Smoker said, confused. "You can't go back empty-handed right? Take me." Smoker captured him reluctantly and sighed softly as he let Crocodile smoke his last cigar.

A few days later~ It was night time and the team was planning on how to get back their ship. Soul was struggling with the new information she discovered about herself. She couldn't just let her father get captured by Smoker right? But he hurt her friends in her new crew. Her little brother was a Captain and was in charge of catching her and her crew too. The crew saw that was acting strange since she disappeared suddenly on the battlefield.

"What's up with you Soul?" Luffy said, bluntly.

Zoro~ "Yeah Rei what's up with you?"

Sanji~ "My darling sweet Soul, please tell me."

The crew all said something to her with worried filled eyes. She was clenching her hands into fists and her teeth extremely tightly. She was looking out the window where the Marine Corp boats were docked and Crocodile's ship was docked too.

She kept to herself the truth. And relaxed her hands and started to cry silently. "Im sorry guys." Zoro put his hand on her shoulder and she turned around crying hysterically. "What's wrong?" He said, irritated with her not saying anything. "Tell us!" Zoro shouted out with frustration. She pushed him away from her and sighed softly as she wiped her face. "Goodbye." She turned around and jumped out of the window. Zoro ran towards the window and screamed out her name as she ran away from the palace.

She ran towards the ship's in the distance. She snuck past the guards by stealing Marine clothes. She made her way to his prison cell and saw him lying there in the cell with his Warlord outfit still on. She tapped on the metal bars and he sat up with a nasty look on his face. "What do you want from me now stupid Marine. Can't I just get a small break from you guys." Then she smiled big at him and started to laugh. "What's this? Do you want to die kid?" She unlocked the cell door and lifted her hat. His eyes widened in shock over who was standing in front of him and saving him again from a tough spot for the second time this week. "Why are you here?" He said, confused. She grabbed his right hand and pulled him out the cell and down the hall to leave the ship. She said nothing and sped up when walking towards the exit. "Val?" He said her old nickname and her heart rate spiked, causing her walk even faster.

They reach the front of the ship and they get surrounded by Navy Marines with weapons in hand. She breathed out slowly as she reached for her Abyssal Shard Sword. But a familiar face came out of nowhere and swung his sword directly towards her. She grabbed her lucky sword and blocked the special seastone sword. "Smoky...fancy seeing you here." She said, trying to keep her feelings together. "Is that really the sword I gave you all those years ago. You kept it all this time?" Crocodile said, smiling happily at his daughter. But his happy smile made everyone cringe and shake in fear. She started to laugh a little. "Your smile sucks dad." She said, laughing softly. Crocodile stopped smiling and frowned instead. "How rude." She smirked slightly,"Yeah, to answer your question. I kept the sword you have me all these years. Now you know why I'm doing this." He looked at her surprised but a bit disappointed. "You really shouldn't do this. What about your friends? I tried to kill them. What will that think when you go back." She shook her head and then pushed Smoker back with her arm strength. "I'm not going back." Smoker and Crocodile go into shock as her back starts to grow Purplish black flaming feathers. She breathed out hot air and her eyes started to glow bright. Her legs and feet transformed into something bird-like. She sheathed her sword and smiled genuinely at Smoker. "I'm sorry for this." She grabbed her father by the shoulders and flew to his huge ship and flew above it with her WinterThorn sword turning all the Marines into solid ice. She sheathed her sword and they all exploded into tiny pieces of frozen flesh. She dropped her father onto the dock and she landed next to him with a serious look in her eyes. She saw tons of soldiers run out of his ship and run towards the front part of the ship where they are standing.

She held out her lucky sword in her right and her WinterThorn sword in the left hand. "Stand back dad." He did as she told him to and she charged up her swing and as soon as the soldiers got super close she swung her sword and cut through all the Marines but not the ship. She sheathed her swords and grabbed her father's hand. They walked over the dead bodies and retracted the anchor together and prepared the sails for departure. She stood on the Golden Crocodile on the front of the ship and rested her right hand upon her sword hilts with tears streaming down her face.

Then suddenly she hears a familiar voice screaming her name coming from the sea port. It was Luffy...her ex-captain and friend. "SOUL!!!!" She looked over at him with tears streaming down her face. And then just before he stretched to get to her, he saw a familiar evil face standing behind her. "Crocodile.... I'll kill you for stealing my Swordswoman!!" Crocodile smiled happily but he looked like an evil mastermind in the eyes of everyone else. Luffy...I'm.." She was going to speak but gave up halfway. Luffy clenched his fist. "We'll come save you!" Soul sighed and turned around and walked away from his line of sight as they reached the point of where the marines were chasing after them. She headed towards the back of the ship. Crocodile headed to the wheel to be at the Helm.

SoulReaper got out her Abyssal Shard sword and slashed the air, sending burning flames wind strikes towards two of the ship's chases after her and her father. They both were severed in half straight down the middle for the both of them. She sighed softly as she sheathed her sword and walked towards her father that was at the Helm.

Back to Luffy~ He sprinted back to the palace seething with anger and with tears streaming down his face. As his heart pounded out of his chest at a mile a minute. He reached the room where everyone was and he looked into the eye's of everyone and told them what he saw. Unfortunately he was dead wrong about it all....

Back to SoulReaper~ She stood there next to her father to his right like she used to as a little kid. She covered her mouth and started to cry silently again. Croc looked over at her and sighed softly. He patted her head. She looked up at her father and her hand fell down to the side of her body. She fell to her knees and sobbed continuously about leaving her friends so suddenly. He looked at her for a while until he got an idea. So then he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her old childhood bedroom.

She stopped crying as he set her down in her old childhood bedroom. She smiled happily with a shine in her emerald eyes. He went to leave her to soak it all in but then she grabbed his long coat like in her long lost memory. This time she didn't fall backwards and stood her ground. He turned around and smiled at her but again it looked like he was going to kill her something. She bursted into laughter. "Hm?" His eyebrows raise in curiosity of why she's laughing all of a sudden. "Your smile sucks!" He went too curious to feeling insulted. He stormed out of her room irritated. She chased after him and smiled genuinely at him clearly pouting. "What's so bad about it?" He scoffed as she crossed his arms.

She jumped onto the railing so she could get closer to his height. "Listen dad, you used to smile so happily to me back in the day but then I left your life. You got happy over people's suffering and your smile probably warped to what it is now." She said, looking into his eyes. He sighed deeply,"I guess you're going to teach me how to smile correctly again." He tried to smile happily but failed. She saw a flash of his face when she was little before he had a scar across his face. And then tried to smile once more and he looked just like before. The happy smile she saw that day when she sat on his shoulders. She went into shock and fell backwards off the railing. She fell towards the ground and hit the ground really hard that she hit her head causing it to bleed.

He panicked and he vaulted over the railing and landed next to her with a serious look in his eyes. She smiled happily up at him. "I love you too, Daddy." She started to laugh again like she used to back in the day with him by her side. "What's so funny Val?" He said her middle name and looked really irritated and confused.

"You smiled successfully and looked really cute." She smiled happily at him as she said that. He felt his face start to burn up but didn't know what was happening. It has been so long that he forgot what it was like to genuinely blush from a compliment.

She laid there and they both laughed together like old times. She grabbed his right hand and squeezed it tightly. He began to smile genuinely at her sweet looking face as she laughed out loud.

"I'm glad she came back for me..." He thought to himself as he watched her become a free spirit once more like she was as a little kid.

To be continued.......

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