Volume 1 Chapter 9 Wanted Monkey D. Luffy!!!

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A whole lot of time has passed and the crew got a visit from the greatest Swordsman in the grand line Named Dracule Mihawk. SoulReaper is easily the second best. And he is very good friends with her funny enough. He showed up with something in his hands, and Shanks lost a arm while fighting a monster on the grand line. When he showed Shanks and the others the thing he was holding, SoulReaper and Shanks got really happy. They all had a booze party and while this was happening he told her and Shanks about him meeting Luffy himself and told them about his crew they have so far. He mentioned that their is a Swordsman on the Crew known as Roanoa Zoro. SoulReaper was instantly intrigued by him saying Swordsman. And if he saying that he's good then that's saying something....

Flashback~ The Red Haired Pirates came across Dracule Mihawk in the grand line and he tried to fight Shanks but SoulReaper stepped in the place of him. She has her mask on, so all he can see is her Emerald Green Eyes shining bright. He has a cross like sword and she has three very much alive swords. They go on a island so the ship won't be destroyed in the fight. He stayed quiet and so did she. She grabbed her Lucky sword and he attacked just as she clicked open her sword out of it's sheath. He stared at her standing there not even touched by his attack and holding out her sword and it's size blocked the attack. She laughed to herself and then dashed towards him with a huge sword in her hand. He tried to cut through her sword but it didn't work. He clashed into her sword and it changed shape infront of his eyes and it wrapped around his Blade and started to inch around his hand and wrist. It cut into his skin he grunted and kicked her leg and she fell down and her sword went back to normal. He pointed his sword at her throat with a confident smirk on his face,"Prepare to die." She laughed at his comment and his eyebrows raised in suprise. She sat up and his sword went through her chest and heart, she stood up like it was nothing and she grunted in pain but she's used to pain than a few years ago. Her body's pain tolerance is very inhumanly high. He just stood there in suprise that she was still alive and is bleeding tremendously but is still able to stare him down. She grabbed he sword and gripped it tightly making her hands bleed. She smiled as blood dripped out of her mouth and hitting his sword's blade. She walked forward making his sword go through her body even more. She reached him stopping at the hilt of the sword and said in his ear,"I can't die, no matter what you do to me. I'm a Swordsman worst nightmare and we'll any man or woman's worst nightmare." She laughed in his ear and walked backwards until she got off of his blade and her stomach and chest started to heal up. He just looked at her in shock and amazement that she can't die. He smiled and started to burst into laughter, he put his sword in his Sheath and held out his hand for her to shake it."Well played, what's your name?" She laughed out loud and then shook his hand,"I go by SoulReaper." His eyes widen and he smiled happily,"I'm a huge fan of yours to think I would fight a legend of your portions on the grand line." She pulled down her mask and revealed her face. He gasped at her beautiful face and smiled genuinely at her. He's normally a very serious and not a emotional person but something about her makes him laugh and smile. They both walk back over to the ship and as they do they talk about Swordsman stories... After that day they became really good friends and they share a special bond between each other as they are both very powerful Swordsman.

Flashback Over~

She learned everything she could from Dracule Mihawk about this Roanoa Zoro and the rest of the crew of Luffy and she asked her Captain for a favor. He agreed and let her go set out to find Luffy and his crew, she had a promise to keep. Her and Dracule headed out towards the direction they were last seen. She hugged Shanks one last time for a while and kissed him on the lips,"I'll see you soon Captain." "You too SoulReaper, good luck. Tell Luffy that we said hi, most importantly me. Hahahaha!" She smiled and waved goodbye,"Sure thing Sir!" Her and Dracule headed towards the direction they were headed last time he met them and as they did they talked and caught up from the last time they met...

Sometime during their trip on the sea~
Dracule Mihawk,"So how's your dream going so far?" She smiled slightly,"It's going slow, everyone who I come across is too scared to fight, and for a Swordsman/woman it sucks." "Yeah I get what you mean, well this Zoro guy I was talking about is very interesting. I almost killed him, but on the brink of death he still tried to fight me. I let him live, his crew members are very interesting too." "Oh? Really that's awesome to hear, are you trying to say you had fun for the first time in a while?" He chuckled softly and smirked,"Yeah, you caught me. Damn you are so clever it's not funny." "Well thanks but I just know you that well, to tell how you feel and think." "Yeah I guess that works too." He chuckles lightly while smirking. "What about your dream?" She said smiling with a shine his eyes."Same as you, it's slow. Being the greatest Swordsman gets really boring after a while. But that Zoro guy, he sparked my love for fighting again." She punched his shoulder jokingly,"Awww I'm glad you are feeling better, it seems like this Zoro is just as important to you as I am to you." He looked at her with a little shock in his eye. He chuckled softly,"I didn't say I care about him, he's just a new play thing that's all." She giggles and then smiles at him."Sure if you say so, and you didn't deny that you care about me." He looked at her irritated,"Maybe I care about you, but only a little." He closed his eyes and crossed his arms, trying not to look at her. She just laughed at him and teased him for a few minutes.

*Dracule Mihawk's POV* As she's teasing me, about me saying I care about her I can't stop thinking about her in a certain way. Ever since I met her for the first time, she draws people to her like a Siren. But she's just being herself, after a while you grow to love her. Even emotionaless people like me can't resist her charms. We are 10 years ish apart but since she took the devil fruit she looks like she's in her late 20s. I'm not complaining, she's absolutely beautiful in my eyes. Her scars and all, she is just beautiful to look at. Her personality is bubbly but she has a dark side to her. She is one of my favorite people in the world to be near and to talk too. Even though I seem cold most of the time, she see's right through me and See's me for who I am. She accepts me for who I am, we are both Swordsman and we both want to be the world greatest Swordsman. I hold the title for now, but she is definitely in my eyes the second best in the world. If wasn't for her Devil Fruit she would still be just as powerful. I wouldn't doubt that she would be just as scary and awesome as she is now. I've fancied her for a long time now, but since I'm not good with emotions and stuff like that, I don't know how to tell her. Then suddenly she yawns and lays down on my lap, I flinch as she does so, not expecting her to do so. "What's Wrong Hawk Eye?" She says my nickname and I glare at her, she knows I don't like that name. But since she's special I allow her to call me that. "I just didn't expect for you to do that." I cross my arms and scoff. She smiles big and her green eyes shine like Emeralds. Her eyes are just as pretty as the rest of her body, I can't help but stare. "Hey um, Dracule I have something to tell you." She said this with a little nervous voice.
"Yes? What is it?" I say with my eyebrows raised. "I think you are really attractive, I know I can't have you. You aren't a emotional type, and I am. I just wanted to let you know how I feel." I go in shock but I don't show it. I glare at her by accident, it's just how I look normally but I was trying to process what was just said. She sat up and looked at me upset,"I'm sorry if I made you mad." She looked upset, Damnit did I do this? I look at her and try to smile but I fail."I'm not mad with you." She didn't buy it and started to cry. Shit, I have to tell her how I feel about her. But I don't know how to say it to make her believe me. I grab her beautiful face and I pull her into a kiss... To be continued..

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