Volume 2 Chapter 10: Secret Underground Fight Club? Part 2

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Previously: He snapped and ran towards Baz on all fours. He opened his mouth and went for the kill. Baz just stood there and slowly lifted his right leg. His black flames extinguished on his left leg and all relocated at his right leg. "You know what bear? With this power I can do ranged attacks too. Just like your claws, I have my own trump card." He exhaled a puff of black smoke in the shape of a skull. The bear was inches from eating Baz but just before he was eating alive Baz axe kicked the air. He dropped his cigarette and as soon as it hit the ground. The bear body was split into two halves, straight down the middle. His flesh started to burn and fill the air with a disgusting stench. "There's nothing my kicks can't destroy." He said that but then the gate was lifted once more. "We will see about that, human." A deep, rough, and low voice was to be heard coming from the now opened gate. "Is that really, Vesper, The Cannibalistic Lizard!?" The Lizard was black and had red eyes. It was littered with scars of all types. It's left eye was completely destroyed and permanently closed. He had extremely thick scaly skin. "Cannibalistic Lizard, Huh?" Baz said, curiously. The Lizard proved Baz's theory and it started to consume the two giant dead animals in the cage. Baz stood on the other side of the cage and watched him eat his previous opponents. He extinguished his devil fruit power and leaned up against the bars to rest his eyes.

A few moments later~ "Are you done yet?" Baz asked, opening his eyes and walking towards the giant lizard. "Yes...I am, pathetic human." He licked his lips and teeth clean of all the excess blood. "Pathetic, huh?" Baz dropped another cigarette and dashed towards his opponent and spun around and tried to kick his chest. But it blocked his attack with it's thick scaly lizard tail. He was sent flying back into the metal bars. He coughed up blood and spit upon impact. "I am much more powerful than you could ever imagine, Pathetic Human!" Baz started to get back up but he was met with another attack from the lizard's tail. He went flying into the metallic cage bars to his right, face forward this time. Baz just smiled widely as he was hit back 'n' forth in the giant cage by the lizard named Vesper. Baz fell to the ground bleeding heavily from all over and barely managing to stay awake. He pushed himself back up to his feet one last time. Vesper attacked him with confidence but was surprised to see his attack was stopped by Baz with ease. Baz was just smiling widely with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. "You know what, your right. You're pretty strong but... sadly for you. I'm stronger than you think!" He activated his Devil Fruit Powers. The same dark sinister aura was released from his body. He chuckled softly as he spit out his cigarette to the ground. He pushed off the ground beneath him and went flying towards the lizard's open mouth. He disappeared into his mouth and went down his throat directly towards the stomach. He rapidly kicked the creature's stomach from the inside with his black flaming legs. The lizard's stomach started to expand little by little. Until he suddenly exploded from the inside out. The crowd was covered with his blood, guts, scales, stomach contents and body parts. Baz stood there in the middle of the carnage with a calm and collected demeanor across his face as he smoked another cigarette. The crowd was speechless at this point, of this small human's dangerous strength. The gates were unlocked and he walked out towards his Vice Captain Val standing in the distance absolutely clean compared to the other people around her. She used her phoenix power to deflect the blood and guts from getting on her person. Yes, she used a thin layer of barrier to protect her from getting dirty. He bowed his head and half his body,"How did I do? I know I extended it but..." He looked up at her and she slapped him in the face with a serious look in her eyes. "Don't ever do that again!" He stood up straight with confusion washing over him. "What..did i do?" He felt his cheek and winched at the stinging pain. "You made me worried about your safety. Never act so reckless again!" He looked into her green emerald eyes, she was on the brink of crying. She was really serious about being worried about him. He felt terrible for his actions when he saw her upset face. "I'm sorry, Val. I promise, I won't be so reckless next time." He smiled slightly at her before collapsing in her arms. She covered him in a thin layer of a burning healing barrier. Using some of her stored up Phoenix power. She heard her name being called from behind. She looked behind her and saw her father walking towards her. The crowd split like the red sea, a mix of fear and shock washed over their faces as he walked past them. "Hey Croc, are you ready to see me fight without my swords?" He nodded his head and then they heard her name being called by the announcer. She smirked slightly at him and then headed towards the giant cage. She stopped in front of the gate and looked over at her father and unconscious Baz. "Take care of him will you, Captain."

She entered the cage and then sensed something coming from behind. And she was a group of people running towards her. She smirked confidently and held out her right hand towards the group of men. And her left hand was directed behind her back. A giant Pink Tiger claws attacked from behind. But just before it reached her it was stopped by a magical golden barrier. Her right hand produced purplish black flames and the men were completely burned to ash. She rolled forward just as the barrier broke and the tiger's claw just barely missed hitting her. She did a cartwheel and a few handsprings to dodge the tiger's claw attacks. She reached the end of the other side of the cage. He growled deeply at her. She just laughed amused at his frustration. "Die, human!" She jumped to the side and rolled forward dodging another attempt of hurting her. A group of animalistic men ran from the other gate. She ran towards them with the tiger catching up with her. She jump-kicked one guy in the face. She pushed off his face and jumped on top of the tiger's head. He tried to shake her off but it was no use. She set his fur on fire and it spread like a wildfire. He screamed out in agony as he burned to death. She jumped towards the ground and used her barriers to reach the floor safely. There were two men left. She licked her lips and went for the kill. She surrounded her fist with purplish black fire. They all ran towards the gate to leave but she didn't give them the chance for escape. She impaled their chest with each of the hands. She smirked devilishly at those at the gate just about to open it for them men. Their bodies hit the ground and the camera zoomed in her hands. She had their hearts in her hands. She crushed them and blood splattered everywhere including all over her. The man she jumped-kicked started to wake up from being knocked out. She snapped her back to him and grinned sadistically as she dashed towards him and reached down and ripped out his head and spine in one swift movement. She dropped his head and walked towards the middle of the cage.

She stood there and focused on surrounding her whole body with flames. Her next opponent walked into the room with 9 Scorpion poisonous tails and two scorpion claws. She stood there completely still not moving an inch. It rushed towards and went for the kill. She turned around and grabbed it's claws with both her hands. She now has wings made out of fire coming out of her back, through her clothes but not burning them. She crushed both of it's claws into dust. All 9 of it's tails went for the kill since it's last attack failed. She backflipped out of the way of it's pathetic attempts to hurt her. She landed and instantly punched the air with fire surrounding her fists. Fire attacks hit the outer shell of it's scorpion armor but nothing happened. "You've got to be kidding me..." She said as a scorpion tail came straight towards her. She blocked the first attack but another tail came the same way and impaled her and lifted her up into the air.

To be continued...

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