Volume 1 Chapter 6 Back Story Of The SoulReaper!!?

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Previously: He sheathed his sword and then walked over to her and leaned up against the rail she was sitting on. She said something he and his crew didn't expect to come from a Bounty Hunter's mouth ever in their life. "I always wanted to be a pirate but never got a chance to find a good crew to join until now. If you would have me, I'd love to be apart of your crew Shanks. But if not then that's alright too, I just want your friendship at the end of the day." She sat on her rail and smiled genuinely at him with a shine in her Emerald Green Eyes. He just looked at her and stared at her Green eyes intensly, it looks like he's thinking about it. "Maybe, but we have to get to know you better, how about we stay here for the day and then by the morning after getting to know you I'll make my decision, does that sound fair?" She smiled,"That sounds great!" She hopped off the rail and then looked at him,"Can I go on your ship now? You know since you came onto mine." He chuckled,"Sure why not friend. Or should I say SoulReaper." She smiled and they both headed towards his ship over the plank of wood since she can't swim....

They arrive to his ship and she sits down on the rail overseeing the deck. And Shanks joined her but he leaned up against the rail and looked at her with a grin on his face,"Do you like the view?" She giggled happily,"Yeah I do, now down to business, what do you want to know about me first. Full disclosure, but if you ever tell anyone i will kill you all." She said that all clam and with no fear. He sighed,"Don't worry about that, we are friends and I keep my word when it comes to my friends, and I don't doubt you would." His crew got on edge when she said that. They all reached for their weapons when she said that,"Calm down boy's, if I wanted to kill you, you would be all dead by now." They all grit their teeth,"Don't be so cocky bitch..." A random voice said that, it was the newbie that shot her before. She smiled big and burst into laughter. Shanks sighed deeply,"Sorry about him, he's new here." "No worries about it Shanks, it's just laughable that's all. If I wasn't normal I would never say that to your face. But in my circumstances you have no chance in hell in killing me." "I don't like it when people threaten my friends but since you haven't acted yet on your statement, how come I don't have a chance." His smile disappeared and changed to a serious look. She nodded,"I deeply apologize for insulting you. I was joking around about killing anyone, I only fight for real when I have to. I said all that stuff because I ate the devil fruit called Burning Immortality." He looked at her and then nodded his crew got instantly scared of her. "I see so that's why you didn't die by the gun shot from before and healed up afterwards." She nodded,"yeah and that's not all. It's not just because of my power but my swords are special too, it's like the one piece you could say." They all got shooken up and listened to her very intensly, Shanks leaned in closer to her with his interest peeked,"Oh?"

She grabbed her Abyssal Shard sword and stood up on the rail and pulled it out and smiled as her whole body got engulfed by purplish black flames. And the sword it's self was iminating black flames as well. Shanks eye's widened in shock and amazement of how scary and threatening she looks right now. "You see my swords are alive and are apart of me, and no one else can touch let alone wield them unless you want to die by their powers." She sheathed her sword and the black flames disappeared just as it went back into it's sheath. She sat back down on the rail and sighed softly,"I grew up on the grand line...and my island got raided by pirates and my whole family got murdered in cold blood, my family created katanas for centuries but then that day came. I managed to escape with my lucky sword here on my back." She pointed to the sword on her back. "It literally gives me luck, it's a mythical sword that was passed down in my family, I was saved by a mysterious man." Shanks looked at her with a soft and sad look hearing her past. And he's intrigued by her at the same time. Theirs something about her that draws him closer to her besides her looks. "He saved me and raised me. He improved my skill as a fighter and many other things. Just 10 years ago I left the place he kept me in, he gave me these swords and the devil fruit as a parting gift, he had already taken one so it was no use for him. I took it at age 15 and I he told me I still age but I stop aging after I turned around my 20s, my looks change slowly than a normal person but I stay young, but I my age changes still so I'm 25 technically." She looked at him with a smile,"You look pretty young Shanks how old are you?" He laughed,"I'm the same age how about that." She smiled at him,"Hmm, how about that, Indeed."  She yawned softly and then grinned at him,"I caught you up to the present, all I have been doing is killing and capturing pirates that try and cross the grand line. Now before you get mad or something, I only kill if they attack me. Also I only capture those who killed innocent people for no damn reason. I hate people that kill the innocent for no reason." She jumped to defend herself and then Shanks and his crew Burst into laughter,"Ptfff we don't care what you did or do, as long as we don't get effected I couldn't care less. She sighed softly in relief,"Thank goodness. So do you want to know anything else about me?"

He looked at her and smiled,"Not really sure right now. Can you hold your liquor?" She smiled big,"Can I Hold my liquor...Hmmm that's a good question, how about we find out with a friendly competition, what do you say Shanks?" He laughed at her challenge,"Yeah sure why not, Booze party Tonight!!" His crew cheered and then Shanks walked down the stairs and joined his friends and got a mug and filled it with beer. She dropped down from the rail and rolled forward and then walked over to where he was standing and he held out a drink for her to take. She gladly took his offer and they all cheered and she gulped down her drink in one go their reaction was priceless. They all smiled and drank their booze.

A few drinks later~ She wasn't even remotely close to fully drunk, neither was Shanks but his crew was absolutely wasted. It got so bad that some of them started to flirt with her and she wasn't having it so she went up to the rail and sat down up there alone. She was sitting on the rail of the back of the ship that overlooked the water. She was startled by a familiar voice from behind her she jumped and instantly grabbed her sword hilt out of habit. "Calm down it's just me Shanks, you seem pretty jumpy right now are you alright?" He leaned over the rail and looked over at her with a gentle look in his eyes. She returned the favor and smiled slightly,"Yeah it's just I've been on my own for most of my life at sea and I'm not use to having friends. To be honest you are my first friend since my childhood, not including my savior that saved me that day at sea." He nodded in silence,"Ah I see, I'm glad I'm your first friend, you are a pretty cool person so far. And definitely good looking too." He smiled happily at her trying to cheer her up and low key flirt. She noticed that and she giggled happily,"You are so cute Shanks." He blushed lightly and looked away from her and looked at the water. "And quite handsome too, how do you not have someone is it because of the pirate life?" He nodded while smiling and blushing even more,"Yeah, life at sea is hard and women don't like Pirates. We are too dangerous and scary looking." She giggled at his statement he looked at her confused about what was funny."Hm?" "It's just I think you are the total opposite of what you say women think of you. I know you didn't say personally but I have a feeling that you are." He smiled silently at her statement,"You caught me, well aren't you clever." "Yeah well there's more to me than just my looks and sword play. And not to mention my alcohol tolerance." "Oh well now you are making me curious, what a tease." They both chuckle together and exchange smiles.... To be continued

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