Volume 2 Chapter 7: Arrow Point Island?

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Previously: Fire Fist Ace found out that Rei aka Val is immeasurably strong. And that her biological father is Crocodile. They became friends temporarily so they won't have to fight anytime soon. Val and Croc had a small chat about her mother and he said that her mother is basically scum to be near or to hear about. The next island will test Val's morals. Is she as bad as she really thinks?

A few minutes later~

"Wait, please spare him! He didn't mean it, please someone save my son!" A woman with three swords jumped past the worried mother and grabbed the kid mid air before the crowd of guns were fired off. She slid backwards on her back as she shielded the child from getting hurt by holding him in her arms. She got up from the ground and faced away from the men with guns and smiled kindly at the kid. "It's going to be alright. Don't worry about me and go run to your mother." The kid ran towards his mother crying hysterically. She grabbed her son and started to shake in fear over the threatening men with guns. The woman stood back up and removed her eye-patch revealing both of her piercing emerald green eyes. "Pick on someone your own size." She nodded her head and a few men with guns dropped to the ground dead. Several throwing blades came out of nowhere and hit a few men in the head, instantly killing them where they stood. She reached for her lucky sword but then saw the mother and child shaking in fear. She walked over towards them and blocked their sight of the fight. "Hey there, are you alright now?" She smiled happily at the little kid and his mother. "Thank you so much for saving my son Miss." The mother said shaking in fear. She grabbed the mother's hands and smiled kindly with her eyes closed. "No worries, miss. I absolutely despise those who prey on the weak who can't fight back. But enough of me, how about you go home." They both walk away from the area. The woman turned around and saw her crew members took care of the men except for the leader. She walked towards him with a serious look in her eyes. She grabbed his head and squeezed tightly causing him to groan weakly. "I despise those who prey on the weak but what that really means is children and women. Weak men like you aren't spared from our wrath." She let go of his head and walked towards the port. The man relaxed but then a very tall man a sadistic grin grabbed his face and drained it of any moisture it had. They left the town with a serious look in their eyes.

A few minutes before~

Val~"Wow, what a weird looking island up ahead."

Baz~ "Yeah, very strange." He said, smirking tiredly.

Roz~ "What do you see Marc!?" He shouted up at Marc who was in the crows nest.

Marc~"We got trouble! A ton of bandit ships are filling up the dock. And it looks like a commotion is happening in the town square." He said a bit worried in a deep monotone voice.

Val~ "I'll go ahead and check it out. Roz you and Marc support me from afar. Baz you stay on the ship. Croc come if you want but wait until I take off my eye-patch. I'll nod my head to signal you two." She pointed at Roz and Marc when she said the last part. She put on her eye-patch and leaped off the ship's Golden-Crocodile front statue. She used her phoenix tattoo to grow her purplish black fire wings.

*Val's POV~ I land on the dock and see a huge crowd of bandits fighting against the townspeople in the square. I push past the men and reach the middle of the center of the crow. A kid was screaming at a huge man with a gun against his chest. "My father wasn't scum, you are!" The kid was kicked in the face by the huge man. This looks familiar and then suddenly my heart started to ache. My memories of Luffy standing up for me and the red haired pirates all came back to me. I grabbed my chest as I fell down to my knees. I was caring for Luffy even back then...I betrayed him...I left his side without telling him... I was woken up by worried and concerning screams coming from a woman a few feet away from me. "Wait, please spare him! He didn't mean it, please someone save my son!" I dash towards the kid and jump into his direction to grab him. *

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