Volume 1 Chapter 12 Old Friend SoulReaper Meets New Friends!!!

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Previously: On her way to the port a weird gush of green air sent her flying towards the ocean she grabbed onto a metal rail and held onto really tight. After it stopped she saw Luffy and his crew and she ran over to Luffy and then he used his gum gun powers to push her and them towards the ship and she ended up on the deck with the rest of them. She was knocked out cold because of the impact and the others weren't suprisingly enough....

A few hours later~  They got out of the storm and they were all chilling on their ship like normal.

*SoulReaper's POV* I try to open my eyes and I start to hear hear unfamiliar voices near me and one familiar voice. I rub my eyes and try to focus again, I see a group of people staring at me, I look around and I was propped up against the wall on the deck. On my right was the famous Roanoa Zoro and he was propped up against the other wall and he was holding a white sheath sword. I panic and look at my sides and my weapons are still attached to me. I sigh deeply in relief and then try to focus on hearing their voices. I try to speak but I start to choke on my own blood. They all freak out and rush to get something to help me, Zoro just looks at me with a curious and intrigued look in his eye. A man with Blonde hair hands me a towel and I wipe the blood from my mouth, my mask was off my face but I wasn't really bothered by it.

I just sit there Against the wall with my legs crossed and I tried to speak again to them. "Hey what's up." They a got excited to the sound of my voice except for Zoro. He's a very interesting person, but knowing what Dracule Mihawk said about him, I know he's a alright guy.  Luffy smiled and hugged me tightly, a little too tight but good thing I can't die. The others panicked and told him to be careful, but little do they know. "It's fine, but thanks for caring. Luffy I missed you and so does Shanks, he told me to say hi to you and so did the rest of the crew."

He stopped hugging me and sat infront of me on the deck with his legs crossed. The others hung around, it seemed like the ship's anchor was down. "Thanks for saving me back there!" I look up at his friends and smile,"No problem, stop being rude and Introduce me to your crew already." I say jokingly but his crew get on edge,"It's fine guy's, she's a cool person from my childhood. Okay Introduce yourselves guys!" The orange haired girl smile kindly and bowed,"My name is Nami, I'm the navigator of the crew." I smile back. "I'm usopp the...builder of sorts." I recognize his name by a crew member on Shanks crew. "Hey pretty lady I'm Sanji." He walked over to me and tried to kiss my hand I just glared at him and he backed away in fear. I sigh and then look at Zoro,"I'm Roanoa Zoro, and I want to be the greatest Swordsman in the world." I hold out my hand to for him to shake but he just gets up and walks away.

I watch him as he walks away and I sigh. I wonder what's up with him. "What a jerk!" Sanji said looking at me but keeping his distance. I look at Usopp and ask him what's on my mind. "Is your father Yasopp?" He looked at me in suprise and said,"How do you know that!?" "Oh well I'm from his crew, the Red Haired Pirates." Luffy chimed in,"Yeah her and my old friend Shanks are crew mates and they are..." "Oh wow, I heard about them, they are a scary bunch of pirates." Nami chimed in. They all looked at me a little intimated and I sighed,"Don't worry about anything, I'm Luffy's friend. Um why does Zoro not like me?" "It's probably because you are a powerful Swordsman/woman and he wants to fight you." Nami chimed in and said. I nod,"Oh well he could of just said so." I smile at them and head up to the Crow's nest to confront him. Luffy wishes me luck.

I see him propped up against the Crow's nest and he slowly open his eyes to lock his with mine, he scoffs and closes them again. I sit across from him and confront him. "Listen Zoro I respect you, I want to be friends with Luffy's friend's and not enemies, please tell me what I did wrong, if you want to fight then we can the next island we come across." His eyes stay closed,"Why should I care about a stranger. I don't owe anything to you." Man he's cold but I hear her he's coming from. "Dracule Mihawk told me about you personally, he speaks really highly of you." Just as I say this he pulls out his sword and holds it up to my throat and glares into my eyes,"Why should I believe someone like you?" "You shouldn't, we are both Pirates, and Ex Bounty Hunter's. That's just how this kind of thing works. But if I have to I'll prove myself to you." He glared at me."And what are you going to do to do that? Hm?" I look into his eyes and sigh,"If you think I'm lying and I have ill intentions then kill me right here." His eyebrows raise in curiosity and suprise that I'm this ballsy. He's still not convinced by my words so I guess I have to get bloody. I grab his blade and squeeze it causing my hand to bleed. His eyes widen in shock,"I keep to my word with my friends but strangers is a whole nother story." He keeps looking at me in shock. "If you don't like me, then cut me down. I came up here to befriend you and make it clear that I'm not going to replace you in this crew, do you hear me!" He just kept staring directly into my defiant eyes. I sighed deeply and say,"Fine! You leave me no choice!" I push his blade into my chest.

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