Volume 1 Chapter 25: "Father? Is that really you?"

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Previously: A huge time Skip to the end of the plan to defeat the Warlord Crocodile and save Alabasta. SoulReaper saw a familiar face that she didn't think she would see again in a million years. Her father...

Luffy defeated Crocodile and the Marines were about to take in custody but something came over Soul and she saved him and ran away.

A few minutes before~

Sanji~ "Hey guys look!"

They all looked into the air and saw Crocodile flying up into the air and falling back down. SoulReaper felt a weird sharp pain in her chest. She took off running towards his location of where he will be landing. Zoro yelled out,"What are you doing!?" She ignored him and kept running.

He was knocked out unconscious and laying in the middle of the center of the city square. Soul saw this and her heart was beating out of her chest.

It was driving her crazy, of where she saw his face before. And when he stabbed her in the chest with his hook instead of Luffy. She remembered everything when he looked into her eyes she started to bleed out heavily. Her locked memories were recovered from being killed by his own hands.

She saw the marines surrounding him getting ready to capture him. Her body started to move on it's own. She drew her WinterThorn sword and cut off the marines from getting any closer to him. She picked him up and grew her wings and flew up in the sky to get away from the city and into the desert.

A few minutes later it started to rain. Her fire wings were instantly extinguished. She fell straight down towards the desert sand with Crocodile in her arms. She clenched her teeth and started to drag his huge body away from the area as fast as she could. She was in war with herself of why she was doing this. He was the enemy of her crew but she's saving him from the authorities... but why? Because she knows that he's her father? What if he tries to kill her? But she didn't care to think about what would happen if he woke up or not, and kept pulling his body.

A few minutes later~ She reached an old abandoned building where she could rest up and start to heal up his wounds. Half way through healing him he woke up and grabbed her wrist with a deadly serious look in his eyes. "Explain yourself...why are you doing this?" He looked over and went into shock. "How are you still alive? I thought I killed you..." He started to cough up blood. She helped him sit up against the wall with her other hand while the other one was being crushed by his right hand. She smiled at him with a little shine in her emerald green eyes. "To be honest, I don't have a clue why I'm doing this." He glared at her with an intent to kill. She kept smiling at him. She opened her eyes and said, his real name and introduced herself finally. "I'm your long lost daughter, Victoria Val Quinn. It's finally good to see you again....Father." His eyes widened in shock and his jaw dropped to the floor. He knew that wasn't lying because his real name was burned with his old life as a husband and father. He broke in that moment because he tried to kill his daughter more than one time. And yet she still saved him from being captured.

Then suddenly she sensed something coming towards them both. She got up and dashed in front of him and took the attack head on. It was Captain Smoker. He stabbed her in the stomach causing her puke up a fountain of blood to her feet. Her eyes shined bright as she said his full name. She grabbed his sword's blade as she looked into his surprised widened eyes. "What..." He said, confused and shocked. "Hey Smoky my adoptive little brother. I can't believe you have already forgotten about me." She laughed slightly as she fell backwards onto the ground in front of Crocodile and Smoker.

Blood started to seep out of her body as she laid on the ground in front of her two family members. She smiled big as she laid there looking up at the ceiling. "Don't worry about it bro....father...I heal quickly." They both looked at her almost lifeless body bleeding out in shock. She was important to both of them and she was dying in front of them. Her eyes closed shut and her body became limp. She died with a smile on her face.

Smoker fell to his knees and stared at her lifeless body just laying there in front of him. Crocodile wasn't fully healed, so he couldn't move. But if he could he would be clenching his fist and teeth in frustration.

Smoker~ "She was my adopted sister? I thought she was dead....that day our home was attacked by pirates and I wasn't...I wasn't there to protect her!" He slammed his fist into the ground as he clenched his teeth. "I failed you...I failed you then and now...I'm so sorry." He said as a small stream of tears ran down his face.

Crocodile~ "I left her with you?" He looked at her body. "I left her at a marine base as an orphan to keep her safe from me. But here I am fucking up that too. I failed as a father yet again."

A few minutes passed ~ Her body started to move slowly. Her hands clenched into a fist and then relaxed. She groaned deeply as she sat up from laying down. She grabbed Captain Smoker and pulled him into a warm hug. "How..." He said with a rough and gravelly voice. "I ate the Burning Immortality Devil Fruit. I can never die or age again. But I do feel pain. Man that sword you have, really does hurt you know." She pulled away and looked over at her father. "Hey father, cheer up. You didn't fail me, life just happened that's all." She looked back over to Smoker and smiled. "I love you both no matter if you are a marine and your a criminal." She pointed at both of them and smiled widely. "I'm a Pirate now. The next time we meet will be as enemies little bro." She booped his nose and kept smiling. "But..." He said, clenching his fist tightly. "No, but's...you know this very well. Just remembered that I love you." She kissed him on the cheek gently. His eyes widened once again and he struggled against himself about his feelings. She turned around and walked over to Crocodile's side and hugged him gently and healed him back to full strength with a small kiss on his cheek. "Next time we see each other, I'll be your enemy, father..." She said, smiling but she was crying at the same time. She had her eyes closed to avoid looking into his eyes. He reached out his right hand and pulled her into a warm embrace against his chest. She cried and screamed in his chest as she said, "I don't want to fight you both! I just remembered everything again! I love you both too much!" She heard a group of familiar voices screaming out her name in the distance. She pulled away from her father and he dried up her tears and wiped her face gently with a small smile across his face. "I'll see you again. And we won't be enemies, but father and daughter. I promise I won't hurt your friends as long as you're around. Is that a good deal?" She nodded her head. He kissed her forehead and then she pulled away and walked past Smoker to leave. He stopped her by her clothing. "Before you go, I just wanted to say, I won't give up on catching you and your crew." She smiled big with a small tear streaming down her face. "Catch me if you can little brother. See ya..." She saluted and then ran out the door towards her Pirate friends.

They both watched her disappear and then the room grew silent. Crocodile looked over at Smoker and held out his hands. Smoker went into shock over his actions. "But why?" Smoker said, confused. "You can't go back empty-handed right? Take me." Smoker captured him reluctantly and sighed softly as he let Crocodile smoke his last cigar.

To be continued... Next Volume!!!

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