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The next morning, you wake up rather late.

It's dark inside the AT-AT. Small shafts of light break through the slits in the side of it.

Politely, someone knocks on the door.

You sit up quickly. Who the hell knocks? It's Jakku for forces-sake.

You stand up quietly and instinctively grab the lightsaber.

"Who is it?" You call out.

Nobody responds. You creep closer to the makeshift door in the belly of the overturned AT-AT.

You push it out, hoping to knock over the person who knocked.

The door swings quickly out and then slows down.

You cock your head. The door never slows down.

A figure steps through. He's wearing light brown robes with a belt around his waist. The belt is engraved with weird markings that curve and intertwine with each other.

"Hello there." He says. He smiles down at you. His eyes are a startling light blue color for a man with a head full of gray hair.

"Who are you?" You ask. You're voice doesn't quiver.

"I am looking for you."

"That didn't answer my question. And where's Rey?"

"Here." She says meekly, stepping out from behind the man.


"Rey I told you to stay outside until I dealt with Astrid."

"Don't talk to her like that." You snap at the old man. You don't what he did to Rey but she's not acting normal. The Rey you know would stand up for herself.

The man chortles.

"I haven't done anything to your friend." He says smiling.

"How did you-?"

"I am a Jedi." He says to your unfinished question. "I am one with the Force. I can read your mind and I can wield a lightsaber. As can you apparently." He inclines his head to he unlit metal rod clutched in your hands.

You instinctively take a step back.

"What do you want from us?" You ask, you're voice quivering. This man is not to be trusted.

"I want you and Rey to join me. There's a Jedi academy on Yavin 4. There, I train kids with similar abilities. You and Rey have a very immense amount of midi-chlorians."

"What're those?" Rey pipes up behind the man.

He turns.

"It's what binds all of us to the Force. If you have an large amount, you have the ability to use the Force. You and Rey have many midi-chlorians, more than a normal Jedi. As I said before, I would like you two to join me on Yavin 4." He looks at you expectantly.

You beckon Rey towards you and the man steps back, out of the AT-AT.

As soon as he walks out Rey squeals excitedly.

"Astrid, this is our chance to get off the force forsaken planet! No more scavenging! No more hunger pangs! Astrid, I'm doing this. I can feel it in my bones. This is what I was meant for. I'm doing this." Rey repeats.

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