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It takes the Falcon three days to reach Exegol. Ben calls it the world between worlds. You call it hell.

The planet itself is small. Poe guides the Falcon to what looks like an edge. The ship lands with a small thud and everyone is thrown forward.

You stand up, steadying yourself on the holotable. The trooper armor you, Rey, Finn, and Ben were wearing is thrown in the corner.

As Rey and Ben walk down the ramp, you walk over to Poe and Chewie.

"The Final Order will be in the air. You need air support. Gather as many ships as you can. But we'll try and end this is soon as possible. Also, keep your comlink on you. You're going to have to pick us up once we're done."

Poe spins the chair and faces you. "Will the Final Order fall when the Emperor does?"

You shake your head. "I'm not sure. I hope so."

Poe reaches forward and grabs your hand. "Don't die Miss space-walker the Second. You've grown on me."

You let out a sad laugh. "I'll try Poe." You lean down and hug him before rejoining Rey and Ben.

"Ready?" Rey asks, her blue saber out and glistening. Ben reaches down and squeezes your hand quickly. You take a deep breath.

"Ready." You say. You pull out your gold saber. Ben ignites his red one, and the three of you walk into the planet.

After what seems like hours of walking in darkness, you step onto a lowered platform of sorts. The ground here is just barely a centimeter lower than the rest.

You step on the platform. It jerks and begins to move downward. You let out a scream and fall to your knees.

Rey see whats happening and jumps onto the platform beside you.

"Ben!" You yell. Your husband sprints to the edge.

"Astrid!" He yells back. He prepares to jump down when a dark mass wrestles him away. There's a bright blaze of red that is distinguished quickly.

You let out scream. You jump upwards, trying to reach the ledge. It doesn't work. Curse your small size.

You let out a frustrated scream. "There has to be a way to get this to stop!" You yell, spinning around. Rey helps you look.

There appears to be nothing. Just a circular platform slowly working its way down to the ground.

Defeated, you sit down on the platform. You hang your head in your hands. The platform stops with a jolt.

You stand up and walk off of the circle. Rey follows you.

It's not quite as dark in here, but it's still dark. You hold up your saber and the large room is lit with a dim gold glow.

It looks like you're standing in an auditorium. There's dark stands full of people. In the middle of the room sits a throne of sorts. Nobody is sitting in it...yet.

You shudder away from the walls.

Rey holds out her saber in front of her. "Be on your guard. We don't know what this Emperor looks like. Or where he is."

You nod and hold out you saber. The blue and gold lights mix.

A laugh echoes around the auditorium. "Good. You have come together to kill me, and now you will die together by me."

"I know you." You say. "You were at my wedding. You killed Annie."

"That young Jedi? She means nothing to me." A dark figure steps out of the shadows.

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