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It has been years since Exegol. You and Ben have moved to Naboo, and the two of you live a peaceful life.

Both Anakin and Aayla showed signs of the Force as early as one year old. Now they're both five.

Anakin looks exactly like you. Thin brown hair, big brown eyes. Aayla looks like her father. Luscious black hair and piercing eyes the color of chocolate.

Matthew also lives with you, though he's never around. Since you got back from Exegol, Matthew has been training under Poe to become a pilot. He's all but closed himself off from the Force.

As for you and Ben, the Force is a thing of the past. All four lightsabers are safely locked away in a box under your bed. You kept them in case you needed them, but so far you haven't.

As for Rey, she opened a new Jedi temple. When she realized Ani and Aya had the Force, she wanted to train them.

You were overjoyed at the idea. Ben was not. He wanted them both to live a normal life.


"Anakin! Stop floating that cup towards your sister this instant!" You yell. You turn around and wave your spatula threateningly at your son.

Immediately, he drops the cup. Thankfully it doesn't shatter, but milk goes flying. You sigh and rub the bridge of your nose.


Your husband comes out of your room. "What?"

"Could you clean up the mess Ani made? I'm trying to cook breakfast." You say, returning to the pan full of eggs.

Aayla toddles over to you and pulls on your pant leg.

"Mama." She whispers.

"Yes Aya?"

"There's someone outside. I can feel them." She says.

"Alright." You sigh and turn off the stove. "Do you want to come with me?" You ask your daughter. She nods and reaches her arms up.

You lean down and pick her Aayla up, resting her on your hip. You grunt a little bit at the effort. Despite her small size, Aya is heavy.

You walk over to your front door and open it. On the large lawn sits the Falcon. And standing at the top of the Falcon ramp is-

"Aunt Rey!" Aayla yells. She squirms in your arms. You let out a laugh and place her on the grass. You watch as she waddles up the ramp and hands onto her aunts leg.

"Hey squirt." Rey says. She ruffles Aayla's hair.

You smile at Rey as she walks down the ramp.

"Hi." You smile, hugging and kissing Rey on the cheek. "What's with the surprise visit?"

"My padawans and I were going on a field trip and we were in the system. Wanted to drop by and say hi." Rey explains.

You glance behind her and see a dozen or so kids huddled at the top of the Falcon's ramp.

You let out a laugh. "Just be warned. Ben won't be happy." You turn as Rey beckons the young children.

They all follow you into the house.

"Who's hungry?" You call over your shoulder. There's a chorus of me's. You walk into the kitchen and dish out a small dose of eggs and bread to each child.

They hungrily eat it and then set their plates on the table.

You lean down and place your hands on your knees. "Do you guys want to go out back and play?"

Each kid nods their head. You turn and with a flick of your hand, open the back door.

The kids all run outside, excited to burn some energy. Aayla looks up at you expectantly.

"Go get your brother and you can go play. Just be careful." You kiss the top of her forehead and watch as she runs after the rest of the kids, Ani in tow.

Ben sits at the kitchen table. He looks angry.

"Rey, we know why you're here." He says.

You sit down beside Ben, and Rey across from you.

"Look, I'm not here to convince you anymore. I know you won't budge." Rey starts. "I'm here to talk to Ani and Aya."

Ben looks like he's about to explode. "No. You will not talk to my children about this. They are not going to your school. That is final."

You place your hand over Ben's.

"Ben, I know you don't want this. But without training, there will be a pull to the darkside. I don't want to loose either of them. Besides, they're bored here. They don't have any friends."

"Then we can move. We can teach them not to be swayed." Ben says.

"Ben...I know you don't want to let them go. I don't want to either. But deep down, I know this is best for them. This is what they need. They need a teacher. And we're not teachers. We're their parents."

Ben sighs and rubs his eyes. "Astrid...."

"Just let Rey talk to them."

"...Fine. You can talk to them." Ben says to Rey. The Jedi stands up and begins to walk to the back when she's stopped.

At her feet stands Aayla and Anakin.

"We want to go." Anakin says. "That sounds like fun. Mama and Papa make us suppress our powers. But I don't want to. I want to use my powers." He says.

Ben sits there, gaping at him. "Ani...you want to go?"

Your son nods his head. So does Aayla.

"Don't get angry, but we've both seen the lightsabers. We want to use those and our powers. And we want friends." Aya says.

You stand up and walk over to your kids. You kneel and hug them.

"Forces, you guys are so grown up." You kiss the top of each of their foreheads. "I think the two of you should go. It's what's best." You say. You turn to Ben.

He stands up and walks over to his kids. He also kneels down and hugs them. "Your mama is right. This is what's best."

You, Ben, Aayla, and Anakin all hug. This is what's best.


word count: 1005

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