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You wake up and sit forward quickly. Or try to. Something holds you down to a cold metal table.

You look down and your eyes catch the restraints. You're in that chair again. The one you were in when you first arrived on Starkiller.

"Good. You're awake." Somebody says. You would recognize that voice anywhere, even behind his mask.

"Ben." You whisper. "Let me out. You know I won't hurt you."

"Unfortunately, neither of us can confirm that. Based on your past actions, you actually will probably try to hurt me."

You let out a hiss behind your teeth.

"Why am I back here?"

"Because Astrid, this is where you truly belong. We both know it's true."

"My place is on the Resistance base with Rey and Poe-"

Ben growls.

"Do not say his name."

"Who? Poe's? Why? Are you jealous?" You tease. You know you're asking for punishment.

Ben slams his hand down, dangerously close to your head.

"I'm warning you Astrid."

You decide to push him again.

"Poe. Rey. Poe. Poe."

"That's it Astrid!" Ben yells.

He leans down and you shudder away from him. He snorts in disgust and unlocks your restraints.

He places one hand around the both of your wrists and one on the back of your neck. He helps you stand up and then parades you outside.

He leans down closer to your ear. "You will be punished Astrid. Do not test me."

The two of you walk down multiple twisting hallways. You're definitely not on Starkiller seeing as you had that place memorized and it had been blown up almost a month ago.

You and Ben arrive at a large room. As you step inside, it feels as if you're stepping into space.

The walls in front of you are just huge windows. You and Ben stand on an elevated walkway. Below you work First Order officials. They tap away at their computers, not a single head turning as you walk in.

In the far corner stands Hux, his hands tucked behind his back.

"Everyone out!" Ben barks. The officers scurry out leaving you, Ben, and Hux.

"Are we there yet Hux?" Ben asks.

"Yes. Look, there's the planet." Hux nods at a small blur of green and brown.


You can almost feel Ben's sneer.

As the ship nears closer to the planet you realize which one it is.

"That's Dantooine." You whisper to yourself. "Ben that's Dantooine." You try and turn your head, but his hand is firmly placed at the base of your neck. It's like he wants you to watch what's about to happen.

You struggle against his grip.

Hux begins counting down. "Laser is five, four, three, two, one."

Something red shoots out of the side of the ship. You catch sight of it in the window as it nears Dantooine.

The red laser connects with the planet. As if in slow motion, you see the planet begin to crack. It turns red and suddenly, it's exploding. A large dust cloud fills the space and everywhere is tinged red.

You're a screaming, crying mess.

"Ben!" You yell, tears streaming down your face. His grip on your neck loosens and you spin around.

"You monster! You complete coward! How could you do that! You're mother was on the planet!" You continue screaming and crying at Ben. He only seems to flinch when you call him names. You slam your fists against his chest.

"I hate you!" You scream. It's silent. The word hate is so unfamiliar on your tongue. "Ben Solo, I hate you more than I've hated anything in my entire life!" You scream at him. You fumble for your belt and pull out a saber. You're not sure which one, but it doesn't matter.

You turn it on and are shocked by the bright blaze of gold. Ben stiffens. You swing at him crazily. Ben sidesteps you easily.

"I told you there would be punishments Astrid. This is your fault." Ben sneers at you. He draws his own weapon and ignites it.

Deep down, you know he's right. That makes you even angrier.

Your blades connect, red and gold, making a flurry of sparks.

You step backwards and regain your balance, before charging at a Ben again.

He swings upwards as you swing down and your sabers connect again, causing a shock to flow through your arm.

You scream at him past your blades. You hurl insults and words. Nothing seems to shake him.

You take your free hand and throw Ben back using the Force. He slams against the wall, dropping his saber. It rolls towards you and you pick it up.

You turn off your saber and, with all your strength, knock it against his head. He's out cold the next second. You run out of the room and hear somebody following you.

You turn and catch sight of Hux. You completely forgot he was there.

"Leave me alone!" You scream at him. You throw him back into the room. Hopefully that'll give you enough time to find a ship and get off of this god forsaken place.

You run around crazily until you finally find the loading bay. Stormtroopers mill around but they ignore you.

You make your way towards Ben's ship. Might as well take everything that's his.

Stepping onboard the ship, you realize one tiny problem. You don't know how to fly.

You sigh and sit in the pilots seat. You'll figure it out as you go. The computer beeps at you angrily, asking you to input coordinations.

You think for a second. You have no where to go. Dantooine has been destroyed. Rey, Poe, Rose, Finn, Leia, they're all dead.

At that you break down crying. Before, you could not deal with your grief so you made it anger. Now, there's no escaping it.

As you cry, you're dimmly aware of Ben's ships ramp lowering. Someone walks onboard.

"Go away." You moan. You will not fight anymore.

"Now now girl. Is that anyway to talk to your Supreme Leader?" A voice growls.

You hiccup and look up.

"Snoke." You whisper.

He only smiles.


Hi guys! Hope you like this chapter as much as I do! Love you, mwah🤩💋

word count: 1040

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