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Hehe this is gonna be wedding preparations and such, so kind of exciting lol

one month after proposal-

Wedding preparations have been stressful. Almost a week after Ben proposed to you, everyone in the entire galaxy knew that you were his. And nobody was going to risk touching you.

So far, the wedding has been set for three months after the proposal. And so far, all you've been doing is dress fitting.

Instead of a white gown, Ben wants it to be black. You weren't thrilled with the idea, but whatever Ben wants, he's going to get. That doesn't mean you don't make decisions. In fact, besides the dress, you've picked every other thing out.

This morning, you awaken and maids flock you immediately. They pull you out of bed, and take you to the tub. Per usual, they wash your hair and body, and once their done, they rub you down with some sort of lotion.

After, you wrap a towel around yourself, and pull on underwear and a bra.

You're not allowed to wear anything else. The dress making takes too long.

The maids escort you to some secluded part of the Finalizer. Not even Ben's allowed in.

As you clutch the towel around yourself, you keep your head bent. You're not worried anyone will see you though. There's so many maids in a tight circle around you, that a lightsaber couldn't cut through them all.

You arrive at your usual fitting room, and drop the towel.

You step onto a stool placed in the middle of the room. Immediately a seamstress places a large hoop around your waist. It's supposed to make your dress appear bigger, but you think it's a torture device. Meant to break your hip bones.

A different girl places a layer of red tulle on top of the hoop. Then a layer of black, which is slightly shorter than the red. Finally, a black skirt, cut down the middle to show the tulle, is placed on top of that.

By the end of it, you feel as if you already weigh over 300 pounds. How you're supposed to walk, and in heels no less, is a mystery to you.

Next the seamstresses measure your waist, shoulders, arm, and neck.

As they create the gown to gown under your hoop, you're allowed to take off the skirts.

You do, with some difficulty.

You find your towel, and wrap it around yourself, sitting on the stool.

Someone you've never seen before rushes forward. She's holding a large scroll of paper.

"Ma'am! Ma'am! I have new decisions for the wedding!" The girl squeaks.

"What are they about today?" You ask.

"The cake ma'am."

You nod your head. "Alright, get on with it."

"Ok. First off," The girl begins to read off her scroll. "Do you want vanilla or chocolate cake ma'am?"

You ponder for a minute. How mad would it make the First Order if their beloved Supreme Leaders wife made a vanilla cake. Oh their faces when they cut open that cake with black frosting and it was vanilla.

"Hm. Let's do vanilla."

"Are you sure ma'am?"

You smirk. "Positive."

"Ok then. The frosting on the cake is supposed to be black of course. Any decorations?"

"Red roses please. Whether fake or real, I don't care."


The girl moves down the rest of her list, and somewhere along the way, your stuffed into your new corset and wedding dress.

It is heavy. Incredibly heavy.

You sigh.

"Weddings are hard."

"That they are ma'am." A seamstress says, tightening the back of your corset.

two months after proposal-

Now that your dress is done, you can finally spend time with Ben. And by getting your quality time in, the two of you have been picking people to attend your wedding for the past two weeks.

"How about these representatives from Coruscant?" Ben points to a few names on your ever growing list.

"Don't you remember the last time we had Coruscant representatives over?" You say, laying your head on the table.

Ben rubs in between your shoulder blades.

"Ohhh. Right. Flung him across the room. Ok." Ben takes his red pen and crosses at least five names off the list.

"Why couldn't we have a small wedding? Without the First Order and all these people. Just the two of us. Maybe with Rey and Leia. Poe and Finn." You mumble.

"I'm sorry Princess. I really am. Being Supreme Leader has its downsides."

"I wish we could leave."

Ben lets out a sigh. "Yeah, me too." He whispers.

three months after proposal-

The wedding is just around the corner, and you're nervous.

Ben has been planning your honey moon for weeks. He won't even tell you what system you're going to. But it's no matter. You have much to do without a honey moon to plan.

For the final month, the Finalizer is made to look like a party room of sorts, not a First Order base.

New lights are sprung up, making even the darkest corners lit. The cafeteria is now a church, with seats placed one either side of a red carpet rolled down the middle. There's a pew, and on the day of the wedding, a First Order General will stand up there and wed you and Ben.

Everywhere you go, there's always a group of people trailing behind you. They need you to make last minute decisions, and help you clean up.

At the end of the day, you're happy to fall asleep in Ben's arms.

He's been rocking you to sleep for the past week. You've been having nightmares about the wedding.

"I love you." Ben whispers in your ear.

"I love you too." You whisper back.


Wow this chapter was chaotic. Anyways, thank you guys so much for 1k. I've literally been crying. This means so much to me. Sadly, this book will be coming to an end soon. But don't worry, a new book is already in the process! Love y'all!

word count: 1104

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