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Today is the day. The big day. You're finally going to be married to Ben.

Last night, the two of you slept in separate quarters so that you could get ready without seeing each other, per the usual custom.

You wake up on your own for once. There's no maids to shake you awake. You sit up and stretch, letting out a yawn.

You head to the bathroom and start a bath. You run your hand under the faucet, absentmindedly. You're stomach is roiling around at the thought of being married.

The bath fills up with hot water. The maids left out things for you to use for your hair and body.

You sprinkle in some salts to the bath and soak in them. You wash up quickly, scared of missing...anything.

You dry yourself off quickly, and call for the maids.

They arrive almost immediately. You let yourself succumb to their wills, and your thoughts drift off.

Finally, they help you get into your dress.

First, it's a silk gown that serves as the bodice. Next, the hoop. On top of that, the layers of tulle and the heavy black skirt with the slit down the front.

The maids check the time, and they begin to fret. You only have two hours left.

"Only two? But that's so many!" You say in dismay.

"Oh no ma'am! We have so much more to do! Two hours! Oh Forces." The maid holds a hand to her forehead, and pauses on fixing your hair. Quickly, she realizes her mistake, and busies herself again.

Finally, finally, you're done.

You hair is pulled into a twisted updo with strands framing your face. There's a black rose clip stuck through the back of your hair. Your face looks like it could be on a makeup commercial billboard on Coruscant. You dress has been ironed and fluffed and arranged just perfectly. Hidden beneath your dress is a pair of red and black heels.

You stare in the full length mirror, and do a quick twirl. You almost trip, but catch yourself. You look...good.

The maids all clap their hands and congratulate each other.

A smile tugs at your lips.

"So. Is it time to go?" You ask, wringing your hands nervously.

"Almost." A young maid says. She reaches out to your desk, and retrieves a bouquet of red and black roses. You take it in your hands. "Now you're ready to go." Another maid smiles at you. They help you outside of your room.

To your surprise, General Hux stands outside your door.

"Why are you here?" You snarl at him. Hux smirks at you, and the whip scars on your back throb.

"I'm here to escort you to the room, and then walk you down the isle. Seeing as you have no father to do so, it is my place to do so." Hux snarls.

"Low blow orange weasel." You hiss at him. You turn your nose up, and carefully begin to walk down to the cafeteria.

Hux, seemingly recovered from the 'orange weasel' joke, runs to catch up to you.

"You have to put your arm through mine Astrid." He says pointedly.

"I won't touch you until I have to." You say.

Hux lets out a sigh, and the walk to the cafeteria is silent. The entire time, your stomach is spinning. You're nervous, so so nervous.

The doors are shut but you can here people quietly sitting down and fidgeting around.

You slip your arm through Hux's and take in a big breath.

The doors to the cafeteria creak open, and everyone turns to look at you.

You ignore their gazes and instead focus on the front of the room.

You connect eyes with Ben, and all your worries melt away. Everything is fine. He's here, Ben's here. Everything is fine.

He looks good, a suit fits him.

In your mind, you can hear Ben let out a laugh, and you try not to blush.

Annie stands to the side in a black dress. She looks marvelous. Her hair is braided down her back, and she holds a bouquet herself.

Behind Ben stands Matthew. He too is dressed in a suit. His hands are clasped behind his back, and he flashes a smile at you.

You grin back and realize your at the steps leading up to Ben. Hux slips his arm out from yours, and finds his seat in one of the front rows.

You grab your skirts in one hand, and carefully make your way up the stairs.

Once you reach the top, you take Ben's outstretched hand.

You stand opposite him, and focus your eyes on him.

You look gorgeous. Ben says in your head.

You look handsome. You tease back.

The First Order General drones on, but your eyes and ears are only for Ben.

Finally, the Generals words make their way into your ears.

"Do you, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, take Astrid of Jakku to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Ben grins at you.

"I do."

The General turns to you.

"And do you, Astrid of Jakku, take Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

You glance up at Ben, and take a deep breath.

"I do." You say loudly.

"May I have the rings?" The General asks. A little boy runs up with a a pillow of sorts. On it sits two rings. One thin banded gold ring with a black diamond, and a thick banded gold ring with small crystals at the top, but nothing too over the top.

Ben picks up the thin ring and slips it on my finger. It fits, perfectly. I do the same with his ring. I hold his hand for a second before dropping it, and turning bad to the General.

"And now, by the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The General says. His voice is monotone.

You wrap your arms around Ben's neck, and his go around your waist.

"I love you." You say to each other at the same time. You let out a giggle, and press your lips to Ben's.

The crowd behind you cheers, and the two of you finally break apart.

"How does Astrid Solo sound to you?" Ben whispers.

"I like it." You whisper back.

The two of you turn to the crowd, holding your interlocked hands behind your skirts.


Awww. They're married🥺. Astrid Solo, I love it

word count: 1292

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