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You peel your eyes open slowly. Standing over you is Ben. Tucked under his arm is his mask, polished so that the silver stands out.

You sit up.

"Where are we Ben?" You ask. Wherever you are, it's pitch black.

"We're on Dantooine." Ben smiles down at you and reaches down a hand to you.

You accept it and he pulls you out of bed. Your feet don't connect with tile but with soft grass.

The landscape changes immediately and you're standing outside of the resistance base on Dantooine.

In front of you stands all your friends. Rey and Poe wave at you. Finn and Rose stand near the back, their arms around each other.

Y'queel and Mey stand behind Luke, clutching at his robes like little kids.

Leia has a hand on some mans shoulder. You assume him to be Han Solo, but you're not sure.

Ben lets go of your hand and pulls out his saber.

It's the same style and shape but it's a glistening blue color instead.

"Don't move Astrid. Just watch." He whispers to you. He walks away, and towards the base.

The first person he runs through with his saber is his father. Hans eyes fly open wide before he collapses to the floor.

You let out a scream and try to run forward. Nothing happens. You're held in place my some invisible force.

With every person that Ben kills, his saber becomes redder and redder.

Once every one lays dead, Ben slowly walks over to you. He looks exactly like he does now. With his red saber and his hair tangled and blowing in the wind.

"You could not help them then, you cannot help them now. Astrid, join me. This is your destiny." Ben holds out his hand to you.

You look down at yourself. You're dressed in a black dress and in your hands, you're clutching a red saber. It's double bladed.

You don't at all remember getting dressed into this, or building such an evil looking saber.

Without your minds help, your hand lifts up and takes Ben's.

"I will join you Ben. It is my destiny." Your mouth moves on its own accord.

Ben turns and the both of you watch as TIE fighters bombard the resistance base, setting it into flames.


You sit up so quickly that the air around you makes a whooshing sound. Your eyes are wide open and your forehead connects with someone else's.

"Ow." The person says.

"Ben?" You say. Your voice trembles a little.

"It's me." Ben sits beside you on your bed. You draw your knees up to your chest and wraps your arms around them.

"I could feel you Astrid. Through the Force. It was happiness, sadness and then fear. What happened?" Ben asks. He rubs small circles on your back.

You look up at him and open your mouth trying to explain what you just experienced.

No sound comes out. You close your mouth and swallow, trying again. Just like the first time, nothing happens.

Ben sighs and sits on his knees in front of you. He sinks down a little ways into your bed, making the two of you almost eye level.

"We're going back to whatever happened ok?"

You nod.

Ben touches his fingertips to your temples and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.

You close your eyes too and within seconds, you're standing on soft grass again.

You look around and find yourself on the outskirts of the resistance base. You are still able to see everything clearly.

Ben, your Ben, is beside you, clutching your hand.

Dream you is over by the landing bay, wearing the same dark dress. It has a slit up the side, revealing your whole leg. It is much too revealing for your taste.

Dream Ben walks over to dream you and then walks back to your friends.

He stabs them all with his saber. From here, the transformation from blue to red is interesting to look at.

Even then, you are still horrified as you watch your friends fall like dominoes.

Once they all lay dead, you turn and bury your head in Ben's arms. You're sobbing, the tears burning your face. You can't bear to watch dream you act like nothing happened.

You feel yourself be transported back to the real world.

You're still in Ben's arms, only sitting on the bed.

Ben is silent for minutes, letting you cry your heart out.

Once your finished, he hands you a glass of water off of your nightstand.

You drink it in one gulp and he refills it wordlessly.

After three more cups, you're feeling a bit better.

"A-Astrid I would never...." Ben trails off as realization hits him.

He did do that. He did kill all of your friends on Yavin 4. He did blow up Dantooine.

"Astrid I'm so sorry. I never realized-I never thought about how you would feel. I'm so sorry princess." He seems to choke in his words.

You lean into him again. You close your eyes, just listening to his heart thump against his chest.

"Princess. Haven't heard that one in a long time." You whisper to him. In that moment, you can feel the relief flowing off of Ben. You accept his apology, no matter how much you miss your friends.

He runs his hands through your hair, slowly untangling the curls.

The two of you fall asleep like that, your head on his chest, and his hand buried in your hair.

You don't dream of anything.


Hehe hi guys! This is the first part of the #bendemption that you'll see. After this, Ben will probably be sweeter and nicer and less Sithy. (Is that a word?) Haha anyways sorry for the short chapter. Love youuu💞

word count: 968

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