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After the ceremony, you, Ben, and the rest of the guests head off to the party area . The walk is pretty loud, and you're scared for what's going to happen when everybody's had a round of drinks.

Ben has his arm through yours, and it helps steady you in your heels.

"I don't know if I told you this, but you look fabulous." Ben whispers in your ear. You grin at him.

"Oh, you've only told about a thousand times. But it's ok. I like the attention." You whisper back, blushing.

The two of you arrive last, and see a clear path to the dance floor. Ben swoops you up into his arms, and the two of you glide onto the dance floor.

You don't know how to explain. No writing could ever capture how perfect this moment was. There was nobody else it seemed. Just you and Ben.

The song ends quickly, and everyone applauds. You two are then joined by a number of couples. The band strikes up another song, this one slightly faster than the last.

You and Ben dance for what seems like hours before your feet begin to ache. Ben leads you to a table and heads off to find some refreshments. You daintily slip your feet out from your shoes, and stretch your toes.

You glance around the room and are met with a ring of white. You hadn't noticed that stormtroopers lined the walls.

You shake your head, and swivel your head around, looking for Ben. You see him, chatting up with a General. He looks uncomfortable and you let out a low laugh. Poor Ben.

On the dance floor, you see Annie and Matthew spinning each other around. You smile. If only they could see what you saw.

Something creaking catches your attention, and you turn back to your table. A person has sat across from you. They're wrapped in a black cloak.

"Excuse me? Can I help you?" You ask.

"Congratulations Astrid of Jakku. You must be very happy." The person croaks.

You shake your head. "I'm sorry, I don't remember inviting an old man." You say snarkily.

The old man lets out a short, barking laugh. "That mouth of yours will get you in trouble girl."

"Astrid!" Someone calls your name. You avert your eyes from the figure and in front of you, and see Ben waving you over.

You give him a nod as if to say you'll be there soon. You turn back to the old man, but find that he has disappeared, melted into the sea of black.

You let out a frustrated sigh, and slide your shoes back on. You teeter over to Ben, and he introduces you to a General. The two of you chat for a couple minutes, but your mind is elsewhere.

Behind you, someone drops a glass and lets out a scream. All eyes turn to the person, and the band stops playing.

In the corner, a pile of stormtroopers lays. And, standing in front of them is the old man, wrapped in his black cloak. He holds out a red lightsaber. The hilt is oddly bent.

All the guests begin to run and scream, shoving past others to get to the door.

"Annie! Matthew!" You yell. The two scamper over to you. Ben pulls his lightsaber out.

"Where'd you hide that?" You ask him.

"I have my ways." Ben says. He gives you a smirk. "Go and get them to safety."


"I said go." He Force pushes the three of you out the door, and you stumble under the weight of your dress.

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