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Kylo opens the door and outside is a man in a crisp black suit. He stands with his hands behind his back.

On his breast pocket is the First Order symbol. You've seen it before but you don't know where.

"General Hux." Kylo spits out. His voice is robotic behind the mask.

"Supreme Leader Snoke has requested your presence. Along with the girl." Hux juts his chin in your direction. He scans you up and down and smirks.

Kylo's face looks like he wants nothing more than to slam Hux against the wall.

"What does Supreme Leader Snoke need from a mouthy girl like her." Kylo snarls. You jerk back as if you've been hit.

Standing up quickly, you brush yourself off.

"I'm not mouthy." You state.

Kylo rounds on you.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about!" He explodes. He points his lightsaber hilt at you. "You think you're hot stuff because you're here with me. You're not. You're lower than even the janitors. You show up to training late. You mouth off to me. You don't follow orders. You are nothing. Nothing!" Kylo whispers the last part to you.

You two are close again.

Kylo turns away quickly.

"Let's go." He snarls at Hux.

Kylo stomps out the training room followed by Hux.

After a minute you scamper after the pair.

You see the tail end of Kylo's cape and run after it.

Kylo leads you down a dozen twisting hallways. You soon forget where the training room even was.

Finally, the three of you arrive at a large set of double oak doors.

Guarding it are two people dressed in all red.

They both carry staffs with a hooked knife at the end.

You shudder at the sight of them.

You step inside the room and shiver. It's colder in here than it was on whatever base you are on.

It's dark in the room. Lights flicker underneath a large set of steps that lead up to a dias.

In the middle of it sits a large alien in a golden throne. Well, not really an alien.

The thing is large and white, clutching the arms of his golden chair.

Kylo kneels quickly while Hux remains standing. You follow what Hux does.

"Stand my apprentice." The creature rasps. You wrinkle your nose at him. "And tell your apprentice to keep her thoughts quiet."

You go red in the face and Kylo glares at you. You're going to be punished later, you know it.

Kylo turns bad to the crea-

Kylo turns back to his master. You cut off your thought knowing you'll get in more trouble.

"How is the finalizing of Starkiller coming along Hux?" Kylo's master asks.

His bows his head before answering.

"It's going good Supreme Leader Snoke. We just need maybe a month more and the ship will be done."

"Very good General Hux. Back to work, I must speak to Kylo and this...girl... alone." Kylo's master, Snoke, snarls the word girl.

You flinch.

His leaves, and you here him muttering under his breath as he does.

You roll your eyes. You don't like Hux.

As soon as the tailcoat of Hux's uniform disappears, Kylo gets up from his kneeling position.

"I'm very sorry about her Master. We have yet learned how to control her mouth and temper."

Snoke shakes his head. He chuckles.

"Step forward girl." He beckons you.

You stay where you are, looking at Snoke defiantly.

"I said come." Snokes face contorts and you feel yourself being flung forward.

A gasp escapes you lips and you bite down on your bottom lip.

"This defiance of yours is common in a Jedi. But you are not a Jedi. You will never be a Jedi. The blood of Sith Lords run through your veins. Learn how to behave or I shall punish you." Snoke snarls before pushing you away.

You stumble backwards, almost tripping down the stairs.

Kylo catches you, balancing you, before quickly letting you go.

"We-I will work with her Master. The next time we meet, Astrid will be one with the Dark Side."

"Never." You spit out at Kylo.

Snoke laughs again.

"We will see little girl. The Dark Side, the Sith. They are both seductive to someone as naiive as you. You will be seduced. I can promise you that." Snoke says to you. He begins to fade away, his hologram becoming nothing more than dust.

You shudder before feeling someone grab your arm and haul you out of the room.

You step outside into the bright fluorescent lights of the base, squinting. You assume it is Starkiller.

"Follow me." Kylo growls in your ear before letting you go.

He stomps off, and you can feel anger resonating off him. Just like you could always feel Rey's presence.

You almost begin to cry again.


Memories of this morning bounce through your head.

You shake them off as best as you can and scurry after Kylo.

You can still hear him stomping even though he's a couple hallways away.

You finally catch up to him and he's at your room, waiting for you at the entrance.

"Get inside." He barks.

You do as he says, a little bit afraid.

What if he hurts me again? What if he kills me?

Kylo follows you inside. The door closes and it's just the two of you.

"What is your problem?" Kylo yells at you. "Why can't you just keep your mouth shut? You're going to get me in trouble! Don't you care?"

"No, I don't care! So far this week I've been kidnapped, tortured, and been called names upon names! You are so rude to me! I never wanted this life! I never wanted any of it! I just want to go home! I just want to see Rey." You yell right back.

Kylo seems speechless for a moment.

In a second, he's slammed you against your wall. You hit your head, hard, and your vision goes blurry.

"Do not speak to me that way! I'm your Master and you are nothing more than a peasant that I could kill." He whispers to you.

"Then kill me. You know you want to. Do it!" You say to him, deadly calm.

He holds you against the wall for a couple more seconds before letting you go.

He takes a deep breath and turns on his heel, stalking out the door.

You slide to the ground and curl up in ball.

You're more confused then ever.


Hey guys. Sorry for not updating last night. Ive has some friend and family problems going on at the moment. Anyways, I plan on going back to updating every day. On a good note, my friend gave me a Jedi braid this week which ik is dorky but it's literally the cutest. Anyways, ik I haven't said it in a while, but comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. Love you guys, mwah🥺👉👈

word count: 1162

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