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It seemed as if you and Kylo had been laughing and kissing for hours but it hadn't been that long of a time.

Kylo had shed his armor and was in soft black underclothes; a T-shirt and pants. Both your boots had been discarded on the side of the bed.

The bed was large with black silky sheets and a black comforter that the two of you lay on top of.

Kylo is lying on his chest, his head resting on his crossed arms, staring up at you. His hair is mused.

You on the other hand are lying on your side, your head propped up on your right hand.

Your left hand is tracing small circles on Kylo's back with your pointer finger.

"You're so gorgeous." Kylo whispers to you. He smiles. You do too, blushing.

"I'm really not."

Kylo sighs. "Oh my, your self esteem is lower than mine."

"Well maybe you can help me with that." You say. Kylo laughs and leans up to kiss you.

You kiss him back and he rolls you over so he's straddling your hips.

"Kylo somebody is going to walk in and see us."

"Do I care ?"

"You don't. But I do."

"Why? Do you not want to be seen with me?"

"No it's not that, it's-Annie!" You gasp, sitting straight up.

Kylo is flung backwards.

"Annie?" He asks. "You're scared of Annie walking in?"

"No! I originally came in here to talk to you about being rude to Annie and Matthew! But then I got distracted and...oh god I hope they haven't been hiding for long." You cover your face with your hands.

"Hiding? I'm so confused."

Kylo's eyes search yours.

"I'm not dangerous when I'm angry." He says.

You pull your hands away from your face.

"Don't do that."

"Learn how to close off your mind then." Kylo snaps at you. You lean backwards.

"You don't have to get angry at me." You say, standing up from the bed.

"Leave. Go find Annie and Matthew. Go tell them you've diffused me. Made me less dangerous."

"Kylo, it's not like that-" You're caught off guard. How can someone go from loving to hateful in .2 seconds?

"I know exactly what it's like. Now get out."

"I'm coming back. After I've found Annie and Matthew." You say, pulling your boots on

"Don't bother." Kylo snarls. "I'm getting angrier by the second. Don't want to be too dangerous for you."

"Kylo would you please just shut up!" You round on him and realize what you've said.

"I thought I told you not to speak to me like that." Kylo says, stalking towards you.

"You also said I didn't have to control my mouth around you." You say, angrily.

In your mind words are flashing.

Danger. Danger. Monster. Danger.

"You said I wasn't a monster but here we are."

"Well I guess we're both liars then!" You yell at Kylo. He's inches away from you now. Before he has the chance to tell you to leave, you spin on your heel and stomp out.

You will be the one to decide when or when not you leave.

Your mind travels back to minutes ago when you and Kylo has been kissing and flirting.

Oh how quickly things change.


*Kylo's POV*

My mouth gapes open as Astrid leaves. I didn't even ask her to. She just did so by herself.

I snap my jaw shut and turn away from the door.

I focus my attention to the bed. It's mused from the two of us tangled together.

With a flick of my wrist, the covers are back in place, erasing what had just happened minutes before.

Astrid's thoughts are bouncing through my head.

She called me dangerous. She called me a monster. She told me I wasn't. She lied. I lied to her as well.

I want to throw something, to destroy something, but I can't.

I will not be a monster.

Quickly securing my mask on my face and my armor on my body, I sweep out of my room, my cape swishing behind me.

Stormtroopers dart out my way as soon as they see me coming.

I grin behind my mask. Even Astrid can't take away the pleasure of being feared.

I round the corner and stop in front of a pair of large double doors.

The red guards outside are familiar and menacing all at the same time.

They open the doors for me and I step through.

Snoke is sitting in his holographic chair, as if he expected me to come.

"My apprentice. I have not even called you. Why are you here?"Snoke's voice resonates around the whole auditorium.

I remove my mask quickly, kneeling.

"Master I need your advice. The girl...she is too Light for me. It is intoxicating. I fear I will turn."

"Stand Kylo Ren."

I do as he says.

"This girl will not sway you. You are the grandson of Darth Vader. The Leader of the Knights of Ren. The light side power is pathetic compared to what you have. Trust in me apprentice, for I will make the girl a Sith. She is no longer a threat to you."

"Thank you Master." I say.

"Now leave. I shall find a way to turn the girl." Snoke waves his hand and I do as he says.

I step outside, my helmet under my arm.

A Stormtrooper stops and stares at me.

I turn and quickly throw them into the nearest wall.

Hearing a crunch, I know they are dead.

A place my helmet in my head.

I feel a new sense of power flowing through me.

Astrid will not sway me.


Hi guys! This chapter was sooo much fun to write. Astrid and Kylo fluff and then fight. Literally heaven. Anyways, thank you for almost 150 reads and shout-out to my bsf _herronssmiles for reaching 1k reads! I'm so proud! Love you guys, mwah

word count: 1197

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