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*Bens POV*

I land my ship on the Finalizer and lower the ramp immediately. I gather Astrid in my arms and run towards the medical bay.

Many try to stop me, but all I do is push them away. Whether with the Force or with my elbows, I'm not sure at this point. I don't care either. The only person on my mind is Astrid. She's dying and needs help desperately.

I burst into the medical bay and yell for a doctor. One runs up immediately and nervously asks me what's wrong.

I yell at him that she's dying and they need to take her now.

The doctor shies away from me and directs me to a room. I place Astrid on the bed and move to stand beside the door, out of the way of the doctors and droids.

All of a sudden the grief hits me like a train. I sink to the floor and wrap my arms around my knees like a little boy. I sob into my arms.

The doctors let me for a minute or so, but eventually one asks me to leave so they can focus on Astrid.

I do as they say, and wipe my tears away.

"If she dies, so will you. So will your families." I say, right before I leave. The doctors nod and return to their work, only more hurried this time.

I close the door to the room and smooth my hair back.

I left my helmet on my ship, so I head back to retrieve it.

The docking bay is filled with Generals, and one particular one catches my eye.

His face is red and he stomps towards me.

Before he says a word, I speak.

"Red and orange don't match Hux." I say. Before he even realizes what I mean, I stalk off towards my ship.

Once on board, I take a deep breath.

Calm down Ben. She's all right. Everything is fine. Just calm down. I say to myself. It partially works, but not enough to shake the thoughts running through my head.

I grab my mask, securing it in my face. After that, I collect Astrid and I's bags, and walk back to my room.

The elevator ride to my room is silent. As more and more thoughts run through my head, I get angrier.

Halfway to my floor, I drop the bags and take off my helmet.

I stare at myself in the silver metal lining the mask. I look...crazy. Evil. I look like a monster.

I slam the mask into the elevator wall, over and over again. The wall and lights shatter, as does my helmet.

I drop the now smoking pieces and the elevator doors open.

Outside stand two generals, a man and a woman. Both look like they're going somewhere urgently.

"Prepare my ship." I yell at them. They both nod quickly and turn around, their previous duties forgotten.

I lean down, pick up the bags, and head to my room.

Once inside my room, I throw both bags on my bed.

I pace my room, anger coursing through me.

I need to speak to Snoke. I think to myself.

I leave my room again, and walk towards Snoke's auditorium. Stormtroopers stop and salute when they see me. I only roll my eyes and snarl at them to get back to work. Honestly, the troopers are more trouble than their worth. Especially when we get defects like FN-2187. That traitor became a resistance fighter. Spilled all our secrets. Ruined so many plans.

I arrive at Snoke's special room and the red guards remain as silent as ever.

I push past them and walk into the auditorium. Snoke sits on his usual golden throne. He's here in person, as if he knew I was coming.

I kneel in front of him, my hair falling into my face. I've been needing to get it cut, it's getting to long for my tast-

"Apprentice. Your thoughts are clouded. What's wrong?" Snoke asks me. He stands up and approaches me.

I stay kneeling.

"We went to Ach-To as I thought. Indeed, Skywalker and the scavenger were there. I took my apprentice. She and Rey went off to fight and I took Skywalker alone. I had the upper hand until he used the Force. I thought he had cut himself off, but apparently he's tapped into it again. He pushed me down and prepared to strike, but Astrid jumped in between us. Luke hit her instead. Master I fear... she might be d-" I can't make myself say the words.

"She might be dead." Snoke finishes for me. "Indeed that is a side effect of fighting your opponent."

"Side effect?" I stand up. "Astrid is not some side thing. She is my apprentice."

"But don't you have three Kylo? Astrid, Annie, and Matthew?"

"Yes but-"

Snoke tuts at me. "No buts. If Astrid is indeed dead, then you will focus on another apprentice. It's quite simple Kylo."

I bite my lip savagely. "Yes Master." I growl.

"Now Kylo. Why are you here? Your ship is prepared downstairs. Where are you going?"

"To go back for Skywalker. He will pay for what's he done. He and the scavenger both."

"I can sense them Kylo. They are not on Ach-To anymore. They are headed to the Resistance."

"Where is the Resistance?"

"They have set up a new base on Crait. Or rather, they are hiding out in an old Rebel base." Snoke strokes his chin.

"Seems your spies serve you well Master."

"That they do Kylo. Now go. There's is a battle to be won at Crait." Snoke shooes me away.

I turn and walk out the door, shooting a nasty glance at the red guards. They take no action against me.

My lip curls and I stalk back down to the docking bay.

As usual, lines of troopers stand to see me off.

"Go and board your ships troopers. There is a battle to be won at Crait." I bark. About three quarters of the troopers scurry off and I board my ship.

"I'll kill them all. I'll kill them all for you Astrid." I whisper to myself.


Wow. That's chapter was a doozy. As you can see, the last jedi timeline and my timeline don't quite match up, but I needed to change it for my plot. Sorry about that! Love you guys, mwah😽

word count: 1077

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