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The stormtrooper leaves you at the door, in the hands of the red guards. They roughly place a hand on either of your shoulders and shove you into the room.

As usual, Snoke sits on his golden throne. But this time, he is actually here.

Once the doors close, Snoke gets up and slowly lumbers towards you. He's quite big, considering how old he looks.

"Insolent girl. Close your mind." Snoke waves his hand at you. You gulp and desperately try to remember what Kylo taught you.

The lesson was a struggle, having to unlearn everything that Luke had taught you. The Jedi were all about openness and trust, while the Sith were about deceiving and lies.

You close your eyes and shut your mind off to everyone around you.

"You requested me presence Supreme Leader Snoke?" You ask, kneeling. You hope by using his higher up name and showing him respect, you'll be back on his good side.

Snoke sighs disgustedly.

"Stand up girl." He commands. "You and I both know you have no respect for me."

You stand up, head facing the ground. You can feel your face burning at being called out.

"Why have you called me here a Snoke? And why is Kylo not here? Don't you love him groveling at your feet?" You sneer. Snoke laughs.

"That mouth if yours will be the death of you girl." He says.

"I have a name you know."

"I have no use for your name."

"Whatever." You roll your eyes and cross your arms.

"I have called you because I have a use for you. Finally." Snoke adds the last part likes it's an afterthought.

"Why should I help you?"

"It would be awfully sad if an...accident happened to you. Or maybe I'll just send my TIE fighters to devastate Yavin 4. Oh how the Jedi will scream. Oh how they will burn!" Snokes eyes light up with passion. You're disgusted.

You try to control your anger. You squeeze your hands tightly and let out a breath.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Kylo has been having some...influences lately. Something is swaying him. I can feel it. I want you to find out who is causing this so that I may execute them."

You stiffen slightly. Snoke catches you.

Close your mind! Close your mind! The voice inside your head screams. You do so quickly, and just in time. You feel Snoke's mind prodding into yours.

"Open your mind up to me girl." Snoke snarls.

"No." You grunt. "You told me I needed to close it off. I'm keeping it closed." You struggle to keep the door on your mind down. It's like fighting an internal war.

After a second more of prodding, Snoke retracts his efforts. He chuckles slightly.

"Very good Astrid. You will be a fine Sith one day." Snoke walks back to his throne and sits down.

"I am not a Sith."

"That's not what I said at all dear. Now leave." Snoke waves his hand at you.

You turn around quickly. You walk towards the doors.

"Oh and one more thing girl. If you tell Kylo, I will have you executed instead." Snoke says to you.

You nod, your back still turned, and practically run out of the room. The darkness is suffocating in there.

Outside the doors stands Ben. He is being restrained by the red guards.

"Do you know who I am? That's my apprentice in there, I-" Ben cuts off when he sees you.

You rush forward.

"B-Kylo! Can we talk? Like now?" You ask urgently, pulling on his arm.

The red guards let him go, and you drag Ben down the hallways to you room.

Once inside, Ben pulls you in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry Astrid. I came as quickly as I could. Snoke didn't even alert me."

You hug him tighter, thankful for the worry in his voice.

"It's ok. Snoke only wanted to talk to me. That's why he didn't call you."

"That's odd." Ben pulls away from you. "What did he need you for?"

"O-oh just you know. Uh...stuff about my training. How it was going, my improvement." You stutter.

"Uh huh." Ben says. He doesn't look convinced at all.

"Well, I don't really remember a lot of it. I was so scared that he was going to hurt me, that I had a hard time paying attention." You say quickly, trying to smooth Ben's worried face.

He doesn't look convinced.

"Why would I lie to you?" You finally whisper. "You're my everything Ben."

Ben sighs, running a hand through his dark curls.

"You're right. I'm sorry for not trusting you."

You nod and stare at the ground.

It's quiet in the room. You and Ben haven't been this alone in forever it seems like. But, in reality, you know it hasn't even been 24 hours.

"Ben I've missed you." You whisper. "You never come home anymore. You're always working. You're not even Supreme Leader."

"I know." Ben whispers back. "But I've got to run the base."

You sigh and move to sit down on the bed. You hang your head in your hands.

Ben kneels on the floor in between your legs.

"Just make Hux do it." You mutter.

"You know Hux doesn't listen to me. Besides, it's fun being in charge."

"For you maybe." You fall backwards in the bed. "It's whatever."

Ben sits down in the bed beside you.

"I'm sorry Astrid."

"Me too."

Ben sighs and touches your face briefly.

"I have to go." He says. "I'll come by tonight ok?" He asks.

"Ok." You nod and watch as Ben pulls on his mask and cape.

He leaves without a goodbye and you close your eyes. By the time he gets off work tonight, you'll be passed out.

You sigh, sit up, and head towards the bathroom.

Might as well take this time for myself. You're mind says as you begin to fill up the tub with warm water.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating last night, but I updated twice on Tuesday so I hope that makes up for it. I might update tomorrow, but I don't know. I've got a sleepover so maybe. Also, my school finally got cancelled so it's coronacation time! Thank you for over 300 reads and remember I love you! 🦔

word count: 1064

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