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You are woken up by someone dragging you out of sleep.

You open your eyes drowsily, your surroundings spinning like crazy.

"Astrid. Wake up. I need your help." Ben's voice rings out urgently.

At that, you sit up fully awake. You push the covers off of you and stand up.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

Ben turns on the lamp on your nightstand. You can see him clearly. His face is painted with worry and...blood.

"Ben!" You keep yourself from screaming. His scar seems to have reopened and is spilling blood.

You reach up to touch it but he bats your hand away.

"What happened?" You whisper.

"Nothing important. Just help me clean it would you?" He asks. You nod and he leads you to your connected bathroom.

Ben sits patiently on a stool as being in supplies to clean his scar.

You dip a towel in warm water, holding it up to his face. You cup his cheek.

"This might sting." You whisper. You rub the blood away from the cut and feel Ben tensing underneath you.

You whisper sorrys as you try to scrub the blood away faster.

Once the blood has been wiped off and the white towel is tinged pink, you pick up the rubbing alcohol.

You dab a cotton swab into the liquid and spread it on Ben's scar.

At that, he reaches up and squeezes your hand.

"I'm sorry." You say. "I know it hurts."

"No-no it's fine." He says in between breathes.

You nod and straighten up, wiping away any excess alcohol.

Ben smiles up at you, tiredly.

"Thank you." He whispers.

In response, you lean down and press a chaste kiss on his good cheek.

You stand up again and feel someone's presence behind you.

You turn and connect eyes with Rey.

You wave at her.

"Hi Rey." You say. You pause. There's something wrong with this.

You gasp.

"Rey?" You practically yell.

Ben shushes you.

"You'll wake the whole damn ship up Astrid." You whip around and connect eyes with him.

"How's this possible? You blew up Dantooine!" You say, ignoring his previous statement.

Behind you, you hear Rey fumbling with something.

You turn around and see her holding a gun.

Almost instinctively, you step to the side of Ben.

Rey shoots the gun and the blast should've hit Ben. He doubles over but seems unaffected.

You gasp.

"Where are you Rey? I can see you but not your surroundings." Ben asks you best friend.

"Why would I tell you anything?" Rey fires back.

"Well you did just try and shoot me. You should know better. Things like that don't work in Force bonds."

"How are you here Rey?" You whisper. Rey ignores you.

"By the way, why is the Force connecting us, you and I." Ben inclines his head towards the girl.

"Murderous snake!" Rey hisses out. "You're too late. You lost. I found Skywalker!"

The two blabber on but you are too frightened to tune in.

"You do?" Those words draw you back into the conversation. "Oh you do." Ben's low voice is soothing. He said those same words to you when you told him that you loved him.

Rey is silent.

"How are you here?" You yell. Ben shoots you an angry glance. You ignore it.

"A few of us got off Dantooine before this monster blew it up." Rey inclines her head towards Ben.

"Did you know about this?" You round on Ben. He's silent, avoiding your eyes.

"Ben? Did you know about this?" You say to him.

He slowly nods his head.

"How could you?" You yell. Ben stays silent. "And you!" You turn on Rey. "You knew Ben was alive when I was in Dantooine. Why did you lie?"

"We needed you Astrid. You're too valuable. We cannot lose you to the dark side, to the Sith."

"I am not a pawn!" You yell. Both of the others stay silent. "You cannot just play me!" You turn and stalk out of the bathroom.

You walk through your room. You're not sure where you're headed.

Your thoughts flit to Annie and Matthew.

I'll stay with Annie. You think to yourself.

You send a Force thought to Annie, and to your surprise she instantly responds to you.

You follow her directions and arrive at her room. You knock on her door and she opens it.

She's dressed in leggings and a tank top.

"What's up? I haven't seen you in ages!" Annie smiles up at you.

Tears fill your eyes and you lean down to hug the younger girl.

Annie hugs you back and leads you to a couch in the back of her room.

You sit down and wipe away the tears in your eyes.

"Why aren't you with Kylo?" Annie asks, wiggling her eyebrows at you.

You let out a watery laugh.

"It's kind of a long story." You sigh.

Annie tucks her legs underneath herself.

"Well...I haven't had a girls night in ages. So...fill me in."

This time, you giggle and lean back on the couch. You know it's going to be a long night.


Hey guys! This was just a filler chapter to show that we are now in tlj (the last jedi) timeline. As usual, love you guys mwah💖

word count: 983

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