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You and Ben head to a part of the Finalizer you've never been. It's surprisingly warm, and surprisingly quiet. Down here, there's no troopers and no generals.

"Where are we?" You whisper to Ben. It feels weird to just talk normally in such a quiet place.

"We're in the party area of the Finalizer. When the First Order has guests over, they're taken here. There's room for every occasion down here."

"Hm." You say. You note that Ben said 'First Order' and not we.

The rest of the walk is silent.

Finally, the two of you arrive at a large set of double doors. They look like the ones in front of Snoke's auditorium. You shiver at the thought.

"Are you cold?" Ben turns to you.

"No, no."

Ben nods. Outside the door stands two troopers. They stand like statues, holding their guns pointed towards the ground.

"They're just here to protect us." Ben whispers in your ear. You nod and smile up at him.

The troopers each grab a door handle and pull it back.

You and Ben step inside the room. It's quite large for just the two of you. It's warm in here to. In the middle of the room sits a large table. Food of every kind sits on platters.

You walk towards the table and Ben pulls out your chair. You take a seat in it, and he places a kiss in your cheek before pushing it back in.

He sits across from you, and hands you a glass of wine.

You take a sip from it, and your brows scrunch up.

Ben stifles a laugh. "Don't like it do you?"

"I've never actually had wine before. Wasn't something readily available on Jakku."

"It takes you a while to get used to." Ben chuckles.

You take your plate an out a little bit of everything on it. There's at least 14 different types of meat. There's purple and red fruits. There's orange flowers that are edible.

"What's this?" You ask Ben. You point to a piece of meat.

"I'm...not sure. You didn't specify what you wanted, so the cooks made whatever."

"Ah." You take a bite of it. It's juicy and fresh. "It's good." You say.

Ben smiles at you and takes a sip of his wine. "I'm glad you like it."

"What's with this fancy dinner?" You ask.

Ben goes bright red. "Oh know, wanting to spend time with you."

You smirk. "You sure? No special occasion? No important news?"

Ben fidgets in his seat. "N-no. Nothing like that."

"Ben, why are you lying to me. Not only does your body language betray you, I can read your thoughts. Remember?" You tap your temple.

Immediately, Ben shuts off his mind.

"I just..." Ben gets up and walks towards you.

He pulls your hands, and makes you stand up. He gets down on one knee.

"Ben what're you-" You whisper down at him.

"Astrid, I've been wanting to do this for a while. I-I love you so much. And now that I'm Supreme Leader, there a people out there who what to hurt you. And I can't let that happen." Ben reaches into his pocket and pulls out a velvet box. He opens it and inside sits a ring. The band is gold, and the center jewel is black. It's a diamond. "Astrid of Jakku, will you marry me?" Ben asks.

You glance from the ring to Ben, and the two of you lock eyes. "Ben..." You whisper.

It's so silent in the room, you could hear a pin drop.

After a minute of agonizing silence, you speak up. "Ben...I love you so much. Yes, yes Ben. I will marry you."

Ben jumps up, and wraps you in a hug. He lifts you up and spins you around.

You giggle uncontrollably, and throw your hands around his neck.

Ben sets you down, and slides the ring into your finger. It fits perfectly.

"How'd you know my size?" You tease Ben, admiring the ring. It contrasts with your pale skin, and stands out. You love it.

"I have my ways." He smirks down at you.

You stare up at him, and his eyes are full of dark lust.


He cuts you off by swiftly kissing you on the mouth. You return his kiss just as hard.

After a minute, the two of you break apart. You're both breathing heavily. Ben buries his face in the crook of your neck, breathing you in.

You tilt your head back and let out a long sigh.

"Ben, someone is going to come in and see us."

"I don't care." His voice is muffled, and for once, it's not by his mask.

Suddenly, the door to the room is slammed open, and you jump away from Ben.

Ben glares up at the person who opened the door. "What could possibly be so important that you interrupted be and by fiancé?" He growls.

You blush at the word fiancé. It's so new to you. You turn and see who opened the door. It's a trooper, dressed in his normal white gear.

"There's a uh...bit of a problem. Downstairs. In the docking bay." He says.

Ben sighs. "Fine. I'll be down in a second."

The trooper leaves and you turn to Ben.

"Why can't we just get a minute to ourselves?" You ask.

"I don't know." Ben grumbles.

You let out a laugh, and hold your hand out to Ben.


As I'm writing this, we're literally 6 reads away from 1k. I'm so happy, thank you guys so much💘 Also, sorry for such a short chapter. I should be updating twice tonight😚✌️

word count: 951

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