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The news of Ben being the newly self appointed Supreme Leader spread like wildfire. Not just on the Finalizer, but in the whole galaxy too.

Just one day after the Snoke fiasco, Rey Force connects with you.

"What are you doing Astrid?" She asks. She sounds...mad.

"I'm not doing anything right now. Actually, I was just about to head down to a meeting with Ben." You say, pulling on a jacket.

Rey gives you a you-know-what-I-mean look.

You roll eyes.

"He's not evil Rey. Ok?"

"He tried to blow Luke up."

"Luke tried to kill me! By the way, why aren't you surprised that I'm not dead?" You ask.

"I could sense you. Plus, nobody as strong as you would die from Luke." Rey teases. You let out a short laugh.

"He's not evil." You repeat again. "There's some good in him, I know there is. He killed Snoke, and he's so sweet to me. He's so gentle and when we kiss-" You cut yourself off, realizing your rambling.

You blush profusely, and look down at the ground. Rey lets out a snort.

You mumble something incoherent under your breath, and grab a book and writing pad that you need for the meeting.

"Just...just don't get hurt. Don't do anything stupid. And don't get pregnant." Rey says.

Your head snaps up. "I'm not going to get pregnant! What're you crazy?" You yell at Rey. The girl snickers and your connection is cut off.

You sigh and push your hair away from your forehead, turning to leave the room you now share with Ben.

Before you can open the door, somebody else does.

"You're not getting pregnant?" Ben asks you.

You start to blush again. "How did you-?"

"I can hear you screaming down the hallway." Ben replies, grinning.

Your face becomes a mask of horror.

"It's ok, I was the only one in the hall."

"Oh good. I don't want everyone knowing that I don't want kids." You joke around.

Ben's face becomes...hurt. You cock your head to the side.

"You don't want kids with me?" Ben asks. You jerk your head back.

"What?" You ask.

"You don't want kids with me." Ben says. "Of course you don't, I don't know why I thought that you would."

"Ben I never said that." You step forward and place a hand on his arm.

He shrugs it off. "It's fine. You're only 19 anyways."

"Ben what's gotten into you?" You ask. He ignores your question and leaves the room. After a minute, you decide to follow him.

You run after him, and pull on his arm, spinning him around to face you.

He does, for a minute, before turning on his heel and stalking down the last stretch of the hall to the mess hall.

You're left standing there, your arm still outstretched.

"Ben." You whisper, close to tears. The last time the two of you got in a fight, it ended in disastrous consequences. And now, Ben is the Supreme Leader. He could do whatever he wanted.

You wipe at your eyes angrily, and march into the mess hall.

You take a seat at the back of the room and pull out your notepad. You usually just bring it to doodle in, seeing as the meetings have nothing to do with you.

You glance to the makeshift stage they always set up for the meetings and catch sight of Annie and Matthew.

You wave at the both of them, and they wave back.

You keep your head down after that, trying not to draw attention to yourself.

Someone in the background is going on and on about the First Order. You zone out and your mind goes back to minutes ago.

Ben looked so sad. Why? You never said you didn't want his children. How did you even get on the topic of children? You were making a joke about having kids. Wait. Ben wants kids? Do we have to get married? There's nothing stopping us. No Snoke means we can do whatever we want. Sorry, Ben can do whatever he wants. I'm just his...girlfriend? I'm not even sure about that? Does being the Supreme Leader lover have titles? I'm definitely his lover, that's for sure. Wait, am I going to have to propose to Ben?

You let your thoughts run rampant until you sense everyone get up and start to leave. You stay seated, but now your zoned back in.

Annie and Matthew are still seated in the stage, giggling together softly. You look around for Ben, but don't find him anywhere. Your face falls. What did you expect? You're in a fight.

You gather your things and stand up. Might as well take a bath to clear your mind.

You leave the mess hall and walk to your room that you share with Ben.

When you open the door, it's dark.

That's odd. I specifically remember leaving the lights on. You think to yourself.

You walk over to where you think the bedside table is, and flick on the lamp

The room is quickly filled with light and you look around.

Ben is sitting on the bed, his arm thrown over his eyes.

You slowly walk backwards, trying not to disturb him, and trying not to start another fight.

"Stay." He says, not looking at you.

"What?" You ask.

"I said stay." He repeats.

"Ok." You nod your head and place your things from the meeting on one of the bedside tables.

You sit on the edge of the bed, staring at your hands.

"What's wrong Astrid?" Ben sits up, his back pressed against the bed headboard.

"What do you think?" You ask.

"Was it about earlier?"

"Well duh. I don't even know why you're so upset? I never said I didn't want your kids. In fact, I would very much like to have your ki-" You cut yourself off. It's silent, but you can feel Ben grinning,

"Let's talk about another subject." You whisper. Ben reaches out, and places a hand on your back.

"Fine. Let's talk about marriage."

"Try again. How about anything that doesn't involve the future." You say.

"No. We need to talk about the future."


"Because. We can do whatever we want."

"...You're right, but the future scares me. I'm only 19, and you're 21."

"So? I want you Astrid. I want to marry you, I want to be with you. I want to leave the First Order, move somewhere beautiful, and never have to worry about the Jedi again."

"Did you just propose to me?" You ask, turning to look at Ben.

He grins, and leans backwards. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. You'll never know."


Ahh wow. We're almost to 800 reads. Thank you guys sooo much🥺
I love you guys😽❤️

word count: 1141

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