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The three of you are dragged, not so ceremoniously, to the main bridge of the Finalizer. There, you are knelt in front of Hux.

As usual, his orange hair glistens under the fluorescent light. It looks like he put about five pounds of hair gel into it as well.

The same troopers stand behind your little group, guns poised at your backs.

"Very good troopers." Hux says with a smirk. He walks over to Ben. "I have been waiting for this day for a long time." He says gleefully.

Ben spits in his face.

Hux leans back and wipes at his face. "You are going to regret that." He nods at the stormtrooper behind you.

The trooper grabs your hair, yanking it backwards so that you are staring at the ceiling.

"Your precious girlfriend is you weakness Ren. She will be your downfall." Hux takes a step towards you. He reaches down and caresses your cheek.

You shiver away from his touch.

Hux rolls his eyes. "Come now Astrid. If you promise to stay with me, I might just spare your life."

You jerk away from the carrot top. "Never. I swore an oath. An oath to the man I love."

"Love means nothing."

"Love means everything carrot top." You say with a smirk.

Hux snarls and slaps you across the face. Your head violently snaps to the right. You stare up at Hux through the curtain of your hair before spitting out blood.

"Don't touch her." Ben snarls.

"Tell your girlfriend to behave herself Ren." Hux says, spinning to Ben.

"She's not my girlfriend. She's my wife." Ben spits out. "And it's Ben now."

Hux scoffs. "It doesn't matter. The three of you will die traitors."

"To what?" Rey asks. She glances up from the floor, and her lip is curled in disgust. "Traitors to what? Without Ben or Snoke or the Knights of Ren, the First Order in nothing. Your troopers don't even know how to shoot straight."

Hux clenches his fists. "All of you are going to die! You're traitors to the First Order! We do not need magical powers to take over the galaxy!"

"It's not magic." You say with a grin. "It's the Force."

You reach your hand backwards and the stormtroopers gun flies into your hand. You shoot without looking, trying to keep the gun steady.

Ben and Rey get the same idea. They both steal their troopers guns. Soon, it's a mass panic and blaster fire is going everywhere.

The three of you stand up. Rey shoots the cuffs off your hands and you do the same to her and Ben.

Ben rubs his wrists. "Thanks." He says. "Did he hurt you? Badly?"

You shrug and touch your still burning cheek. "It doesn't hurt much." You lie.

"Hugging later. Escaping now." Rey says urgently. The three of you rush off the bridge, heading for the hangar.

After a minute of running, you slow down. "Wait, wait, wait. What about Finn?" You ask.

Ben and Rey turn to look at you.

Rey sighs and rubs a hand over her face. "Where did that officer say he was going?"

Everyone is silent for a moment. Finally Ben speaks up. "Finn said he had a bad comlink. He probably was taken to reform."

You mutter a curse word under your breath. "Reform? Great."

Rey walks over to a window, and glances down. "Uh guys? I think I found Finn. And Poe. And Chewie. And is that BB-8?"

You and Ben rush over to the window to see what Rey is looking at.

The window has a view of the hangar, and it's chaos. There's troopers everywhere. Your friends are defending the Falcon and BB-8 is rolling around tazzing people.

"Well now we don't have to go to reform." You say with a shrug.

You, Ben, and Rey rush down to the hangar. The troopers are not expecting a behind attack so many fall quickly.

Poe lets out a yell as a trooper clips his arm.

Rey points her gun and fires at Poe and the trooper falls. As they realize that they are outnumbered, the troopers fall back.

"Get in the Falcon!" You yell. Chewie lets out a growl and runs up the ramp, preparing to get the Falcon ready.

Poe and Finn follow the Wookiee. Next goes Rey and finally Ben. You're the last one on, shooting the last of the remaining stormtroopers.

As you scamper up the ramp, blaster bullets pass by your legs. Finally, the ramp closes. BB-8 rolls up to you worriedly.

"I'm fine BB." You say with a smile, patting the droids head. BB-8 beeps happily and then rolls off.

You follow him to the cockpit.

"Did you guys get the Sith Wayfinder?" Poe asks, as the Falcon soars out of the hangar.

Ben nods and shows of the relic. It's a triangle with a blue-green tinge. There's black on the edges of the Wayfinder. It's sinister looking.

"All we have to do is plug it into the computer." Ben says.

The Falcon rocks to the side as an oncoming slaught of TIE fighters screams towards you.

You steady yourself using the back of Poe's chair. "Maybe we can do that when we're not running from the First Order?"

Everyone agrees, and seconds later, your group is jumping through lightspeed.

"Well that was easy." Finn says sarcastically. You glance over at him and see that he's already abandoned his stormtrooper gear.

You leave the cockpit, preparing to do the same. "Definitely. Super easy." You say with a grin.


Guys the rise of skywalker comes out may 4 im crying. also, this boom is gonna end in like...3 chapters. ooou

word count: 1027

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