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For the next week or so, you wake up early and trudge to the training room.

Kylo's voice rings in your ears, calling you worthless.

You hit the punching bag.

You are nothing more than a peasant.

You punch the bag again.

You are beneath me.

Again. You hit the punching bag again and again, Kylo's harsh words in your ears.

You punch the bag one final time and it goes flying across the training room.

You're sweating and breathing harshly.

A slow clap sounds from the doorway.

You turn to see Kylo.

His mask is off and his black hair is tousled.

"Very good Astrid. You're channeling your anger."

You turn away from Kylo and begin to wrap your hands in bandages. Your knuckles are split, droplets of blood decorating your hands.

Kylo slowly walks up behind you.

You're very aware of him.

"Astrid. What's wrong?" He asks tenderly. You can feel the compassion radiating off of him.

"Nothing." You reply shortly.

"I can tell something's wrong. I can feel the anger in you."

"Isn't that a good thing?" You clip at him.

Kylo stays silent.

"You and your master want me to be a Sith after all. The Sith channel anger and pain to their advantage. Yeah, I've been reading." You say.

You finish wrapping your hands and sidestep Kylo, your back still to him.

"Astrid-" Kylo's voice comes out strangled.

He grabs your arm, spinning you around.

You slam into his chest.

"I don't want you to be a Sith. You're absolutely perfect the way you are."

Your breath hitches.

"That's not true. All you do is tell at me how bad I am. How I need to control my temper and my mouth."

"You do need to control them. But only around Snoke. Never around me." Kylo leans in.

"Are you sure?" You ask, breathing shallowly.

"I'm positive." Kylo says.

He leans in and your lips connect.

You take a deep breath in.

You've never kissed anyone before. Not counting your first day of training.

You kiss deepens and you wind your hands through Kylo's hair.

It's just a silky as you imagined.

As soon as the kiss started, it stops.

Kylo pulls away breathless.

"I- I'm sorry. We can't- I can't be in a relationship with you. Snoke will... you're my apprentice. It's wrong. I'm sorry." Kylo says. His face looks distraught.

You gape at him. You step forward to touch his arm and Kylo leans away.

"D- don't touch me." Kylo leaves the room, picking up his mask from the training room table and securing it on his face.

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