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Once you finished making sure Annie and Matthew were safe, you head back to your room.

You ache to be with Kylo again, but judging from the scale of your fight and how he has shut his mind off from you, you know he's mad.

As soon as the door shuts to your room, you head to the shower. You need to wash off all the pain and memories from the last two days.

Scrubbing yourself hard enough to turn your skin bright red, you begin to cry. It seems as if you've cried everyday since you arrived on this stupid Starkiller base.

Your tears mix with the shower water and you can't tell which is which. Faintly, you hear the door of your room open.

You hold your breath, waiting for the bathroom door to open, but it doesn't.

You let out your breath and finish your shower quickly.

Wrapping a towel around yourself, you step out of the bathroom.

Lounging on your bed is Kylo.

His mask is off and he's reading a book he found on your nightstand.

"You know, I would get dressed if I were you. You don't want to go on your first mission naked do you?" He says without looking up.

"If you're so desperate for me to get dressed, the least you could do is turn around." You say sharply.

"What can I say, I enjoy the view." Kylo finally looks up at you. You hold back a gasp. His eyes are full of darkness. Theres no light, no warmth.

What happened?

"I don't care if you enjoy the view. I'm not going to change in front of...whatever you are."

"In front of a monster. Get used to saying it." Kylo closes the book and stands up. He keeps your eyes connected.

You search his face. Somehow, deep down, you know he's right. This-this thing standing in front of you is not what you had been kissing hours before. No, this monster in front of you was dangerous.

"Say it out loud Astrid. Say it. You haven't been able to since you arrived here."

You stare into your Masters eyes.

"You're a monster." You say, your voice not wavering.

Kylo grins.

"Good girl." He says, turning around. "I'll be back in ten minutes. We're leaving then."

You bite your tongue to keep from yelling out.

Once Kylo leaves, you rush to get dressed. He could be back in two minutes if you're not careful.

Once you've changed into black leggings and a black long sleeved shirt, you head to the bathroom.

You brush your teeth and fix your hair in two braids.

As you finish up, the door to you room opens again.

"Let's go Astrid." Kylo calls out.

You shut the lights off quickly and retrieve your lightsaber from the bathroom counter.

Stepping outside, you see Kylo dressed in his normal armor. In his arms he holds a black fluffy coat.

"You'll need this." He says.

"Where are we going?" You ask, slipping into the coat. It's big, warm, and lined with fur.

Kylo smirks.

"Hoth." Is all he says before turning and leaving your room. You scamper after him.

The halls are unusually quiet. You realize why once you and Kylo arrive at docking bay. Rows upon rows of stormtroopers stand still.

"What's going on?" You ask.

"These Stormtroopers will be accompanying us to Hoth. They will take transporters. We will take my ship." Kylo waves his hand to a huge ship sitting not that far away.

On Jakku, the only ships you saw were transporter ones. Those ships took away piles of valuables and sometimes stowaways. All your life, you dreamed to stowaway. Now, you want nothing more than to go back to your room and sleep.

General Hux yells out a string of orders and the stormtroopers begin to file onto transporter ships.

Kylo corrals you away, and into his personal ship. It's nice inside, but chilly.

Kylo sits up front in the pilots seat. You sit near the back of the ship, stretching out on a long, plush bench.

The ship begins to shake as it takes off and you bury your desire to throw up.

Once the ship stops rocking, it's a smooth ride.

You lean your head back against the bench and sigh. Right now, you want nothing more than to fall asleep.

Someone tutts at you.

You groan and open your eyes.

"Why aren't you piloting Kylo?" You ask him.

"The ships in autopilot right now princess." Kylo grins.

You want to melt at the word princess but you know this isn't him. This is a monster in a Kylo's shell.

Kylo sits down and moves your legs so they're laying on top of his.

"Tell me what's wrong princess." Kylo whispers in your ear before pulling you flush against him.

Your body melts into his even though you tell it no. The heart wants what it wants.

Kylo's hand snakes up the hair at the nape of your neck, softly stroking it.

You stifle a moan against his mouth.

You try to keep your hands at your sides but finally you can't resist Kylo. Your hands have a mind of their own as they crawl down Kylo's arm and then drag themselves through his hair.

Kylo's hand finds a piece of tightly woven hair behind your ear. He yanks on it, making you lean away from him.

"Kylo-you cant." You say, tucking the piece of hair behind your ear.

"Why not?" Kylo asks coolly.

"It's my Jedi braid." You say nervously. You don't know how he'll react.

"Sith don't have Jedi braids." Kylo snarls. He yanks the rubber band off of the braid and watches as it unravels.

Kylo stands up, letting your legs fall with a thump on the bench.

He turns on his heel and stalks up to the pilots seat.

You bite down on your tongue to keep from crying.

My Jedi braid. You moan internally.

The rest of the flight to Hoth is silent.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for 200 reads! I'm so thankful for everybody who has read my story. The end of this chapter (w/ the Jedi braid) was symbolic bc i jus took out my Jedi braid and it only seemed fitting. This chapter was also really hard to write because Kylo is being mean to Astrid which is new to me. Oh! I also updated the cover! Anyways, love you guys, mwah🙈

word count: 1279

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