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You've been on Dantooine for almost three weeks now. For the first couple of mornings you would wake up, remember what you did, lean over the side of your bed, and heave up everything that you had eaten last night.

Rey would come in, rubbing your back as you shook apart in her arms, crying. After you had fallen asleep, she would clean up what you had left behind and come wake you up around noon for lunch.

Today is no different. Except you haven't thrown up in a week. You're sleeping peacefully until somebody slams your door open and lifts you up in the air.

You open one eye and sigh.

"Poe. Let me sleep." You snuggle down into his arms and grin.

"No way Miss space-walker the Second."

"Poe...you are asking for it. I think you often forget that Rey and I both own lightsabers. Which, compared to your measly gun, is good enough to kill you."

"Hey!" Poe yells out. "My gun is not measly!"

"Sure its not Poe." You reach up and pat his shoulder in mock sympathy. At that, Poe places you in the ground.

"You're very rude Miss space-walker the Second." Poe says, walking out and laughing.

You laugh too and stand up. You dress quickly in the Resistance attire. It's a dark camo olive green jumpsuit with the resistance symbol in red on your right breast pocket.

You slip on a black bomber jacket and peer at the inside of the jackets wrist. Recently you've been taking to stitching, seeing as it's the only thing you can do with your hands. The pattern is supposed to be one lightsaber with a multitude of colors swirled into it. Rey thinks it's impressive. You think it's dumb, but whatever keeps yours hands busy.

You close the door to your room after braiding your hair and run into Rey.

"How are you feeling Astrid?" She asks. You smile a little.

"It's getting easier." You admit. There will always be a hole in your heart where he was, but it's not as big anymore.

Rey glances behind her. In the distance you can see Poe, Finn, and Rose laughing.

She glances in between you and Poe. You finally catch her drift.

"Rey!" You say smacking her arm.

"I'm sorry! I just saw him coming out of your room looking all smug. You guys have been getting awful close."

You sigh. "Poe and I are just friends. I promise. Plus I've sworn off guys until I get...better."

"Oh. Well that's good." Rey links her arm into yours and drags you down to the cafeteria. You and her sit down at your usual table and dig into your breakfast.

Over the din of clashing silverware and talking, you here someone clap their hands. So does Finn evidently. You both look up at the same time to see Leia.

She connects eyes with you and beckons you forward. You stand up and Force-call Rey.

The two of you walk through the cafeteria together and arrive in front of Leia. Rey towers over her while you barely have to look down to meet her eyes.

"Come girls." She begins to walk to her office and the both of you follow.

Once inside, the closes the door and sits down. You and Rey stay standing.

"Now I know the two of you have been training everyday for three weeks now. Even before that, you two had been practicing. Luke has informed me that it is time for the two of you to build your own lightsabers. Your journey begins tomorrow. Go and pack." Leia dismisses you, barely giving you time to ask any questions.

Once outside, you and Rey jump around together like school girls.

Poe and Finn walk in.

"What is uh...what is happening?" Finn asks.

"Leia just told Astrid and I that we are going to be building our own lightsabers!" Rey says excitedly.

"We leave tomorrow! Oh no we've got to pack! What do you pack on a lightsaber trip?" You look around worriedly.

Poe laughs.

"Calm down space-walkers." He says. "Finn and I will help you pack."

"Oh good." You relax your worried face. The four of you set off, running in between you and Rey's rooms, quickly throwing things in knapsacks. By the time your done, everything is packed haphazardly.

You take everything out, fold it, then place it back in the bag. On your belt hangs your original blue lightsaber and the lightsaber hilt you've been building for weeks now. Rey has one too.

This trip will finally finish your padawan training and the two of you will be real Jedi.


The next morning, the resistance base is silent. Nobody's yelling, nobody's running around, nobody's training. Just silence.

You take a shower quickly, getting dressed into something besides your resistance uniform.

You knock on Rey's door and open it to see her adjusting her arm wraps.

"Ready?" You ask her. She nods silently and the two of walk to the front of the base.

Outside sits the Millennium Falcon and your friends. You run up and hug Poe. He hugs you back and spins you around. You laugh and he does too, setting you on the ground.

Almost instantly, you feel a pang of jealousy and something tightens around your stomach. You keep from doubling over.

My string. You think automatically. But no. That can't be right. It was connected to him, to Ben, and he is dead. You shake the thoughts out of your head. I'm probably just connected to Rey now. Yeah. Just connected to Rey.

By the time you move on to hug Finn and Rose, you've almost convinced yourself.

Lastly, you hug Leia. She hugs you back.

"Please come back to me Astrid. You and Rey both. I couldn't bear to lose the two of you." She says, finally letting you go. A tear slips down your cheek.

"I'll be back Leia. I promise."

"I'll hold you to that." Leia wipes at her eyes and goes to hug Rey.

Once the tearful goodbyes and promises are done, you and Rey board the Falcon, waving up until the ramp closes.

Rey rushes to the cockpit. She flicks some buttons and switches, and the Falcon is up in the air before you've even sat down.

Rey guides the ship into space and punches a few buttons on a control panel.

"What's our destination?" She asks.

"Illuma. The Kyber Crystal planet." You say.

"Ok." Rey inputs the planet name into the panel and flicks one last switch. "Illuma here we come."

You settle back into your seat. "Here we come."


Hey guys! I'm sooo excited about the next chapter. I'm still deciding on a few things but that's alright. Thank you for almost 450 reads as well! Love you guys, mwah💋

word count: 1146

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