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"Is she dead?"

"No you idiot. She's not dead."

"Are you sure? She got in a fight with Kylo Ren. Didn't he just kill his father?"

"Be quiet Poe! Leia will hear you and start crying again!"

"Sorry, sorry."

"She beat him up pretty good. I think he won't go hard on her."


"I'm not sure. She's his apprentice and nothing more."

You open one eye slowly after listening to the two peoples whole conversation.

You groan a little bit. Your body feel like somebody smashed you all over with a hammer.

"She's awake." Somebody gasps. "She's awake!" They yell harshly.

You groan again and flinch away from the yelling. You hear a faint thwack and somebody cries out.

"Poe! Are you dumb?" The voice from earlier asks.

"...no?" The other voice, Poe, says after a minute.

Both your eyes are open now and you blink rapidly in the sudden light.

Someone touches your arm briefly.

"Hey Astrid."

You recognize the voice.

"Rey?" You mumble out. She must've been the one talking to that Poe boy.

"Yeah, it's me." Rey pushes you up and you open your eyes fully now.

You're in a makeshift hospital of sorts. A group of people surround you.

"Where am I? What happened?" You ask.

"We're at the resistance base on the planet Dantooine."

"Dantooine? That's in the middle of nowhere!" You say, surprised.

"Yes Astrid, that's kinda the point." Rey smiles at you.

"Oh. What happened?" You ask. Rey bites her lip.

"Well you remember your fight with Kylo? Well shortly after we left, Starkiller exploded. Kylo's ship had jumped to hyper speed before the explosion, but there's no way Kylo could have been in that ship unless he teleported."

You let out a breath you'd been holding.

Annie and Matthew are safe. But Ben's most likely dead. Ben's most likely dead.

You stifle a sob. "That's great news Rey."

Rey sighs and shooes everybody else out of the room.

As soon as they leave, she hugs you.

"Don't lie to me Astrid."

You let out a sob.

"O-oh my god. Oh m-my god Rey. He's dead. Ben's dead. He's dead! I killed him. Rey I killed him." You cry out. There is pain everywhere. It's clawing it's way out of your belly. It's burning your throat. It's destroying you from the inside out. The pain from Hux's punishment is nothing compared to this. There is a half of you missing.

Your sobs are coming out in ugly heaves. "Rey! Oh my...Ben!"

Rey hugs you tighter. "It'll be ok. I know he was your master Astrid."

"No Rey. He was so much more. He was my master, but he was also my lover, my fried, my protector. I loved him. Rey...I killed him. I killed the man I love. Rey." You cry and cry and cry until there's no more tears left for you to cry.

The entire time Rey holds you, not judging you, just comforting.

Slowly, you hiccup yourself to sleep. Rey lays you down and kisses your forehead tenderly.

"It'll be ok sister." She whispers to you before leaving the makeshift hospital.


*Rey's POV*

I close the door behind me softly and come face to face with Leia. Or rather, I look down and come face to face with Leia.

Despite her old age, Leia is just a spritely as ever.

"How did it go?" She asks.

"Um well...she cried. A lot. Probably her body weight in tears. And she kept calling him Ben."

Leia nods knowingly.

"They we're together weren't they?"

"Yes ma'am."

Leia sighs. "Ben would never give his real name out to somebody who he didn't care about. Obviously he cared about this one a lot."

"I told her he was dead."

"Good. It's for the best."

I cock my head to the side. "What do you mean 'for the best'?"

"My son is not dead. He is just in much pain."

I whip around in front of Leia, stopping her in her tracks.

"You're telling me I just lied to Astrid? That's my best friend! I've never lied to her!"

"It's for the best Rey. With her thinking Ben is dead, she will stay here with us and train with us. She will help us defeat the First Order."

"General Leia! Her heart is breaking."

"Well mine is too! I just lost my husband to my son." Leia snaps at me. I take a step back.

Leia sighs. "I'm sorry Rey. I shouldn't have yelled. But you have to understand, Astrid is an asset."

"She would have never fought for the First Order. No matter how in love she is with your son." I say before spinning in my heel and running from the hallway.

I burst into the cafeteria and all eyes turn to me. I blush profusely and bow my head down, quickly walking to my usual table.

Already, Finn, Rose, and Poe are sitting, waiting for me.

"What's up space-walker!" Poe says to me as I sit down.

"Poe, I will slap you again. I don't like that nickname."

"Well I do...space-walker." Poe wriggles his eyebrows at me and leans back in his chair.

I roll my eyes and with the flick of my wrist, sweep the chair legs out from underneath Poe. He falls on the floor.

Finn and Rose laugh, their arm around each other.

I giggle and then smirk down at Poe.

"Call me space-walker again. I dare you." I say. Poe stands back up and rights his chair.

"Fine, fine you win." He grumbles and digs into his lunch. We all do the same.

After a minute, Finn speaks up.

"So who's that Astrid girl?"

"Oh. Well, she's my best friend. From Jakku. We wet to Yavin 4 together, but after the First Order kidnapped her and destroyed the Jedi temple, Luke and I saw no use in being there. When I got here, I realized that I could feel her through the Force. So I've always had tabs on her. Now she's just here for real."

"Uh-huh. How can we trust her? Wasn't she with Kylo Ren?" Poe asks.

"Yes. But he's...dead so she can't be with him. And she's my best friend. If you don't trust her, you don't trust me." I say.

Finn shrugs. "We trust you Rey."

"I know." I say. The rest of lunch is in silence.


Hey guys! I struggled a bit with this chapter. It was really hard to convey Astrids pain in words. Anyway, what did you guys think of Rey's POV? As always, love yall😽

word count: 1109

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