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It has been a year since you and Ben arrived at the Resistance base. You've had your babies, twins, and they're nearly three months old.

Ben is also a trusted member of the Resistance. He's working his way up to Captain Solo.

You are General Solo, and you spend most of your time watching Leia work. She knows her time is coming, but she won't yet stop.

Rey has also been having weird visions of a dark planet. You've looked through the Resistance's archives but nothing matches your best friends description of the planet.

And when you feared the First Order, you had no idea handling two kids would be worse.

"Ben!" You yell across the room. Your husband pops his head around the bathroom corner.


"Can you help me, and not be a nerf herder!"

Ben sighs, and grabs the baby bag. In it is everything you could ever need.

"What's wrong this time?"

You lean back, hands on your hips. "You know Ani never listens to me. You're his favorite."

Ben laughs. "Well I did name him after all."

You stick your tongue out and pick up Aayla from the bed. She's crying. You sigh.

"Why did we have kids?" You ask Ben.

"We didn't plan on having kids. It was an accident."

"You should've worn protection."

"You didn't ask!" Ben says, holding up his hands in mock surrender.

You laugh. "You're right. My fault."


You and General Leia are sitting in her office, going over trade routes, when a loud crash sounds outside.

Both your heads snap up, and you rush to leave the room.

Outside of the Ajan Kloss jungle, on the hangar, sits the Millennium Falcon. And it's on fire. You clap a hand to your mouth as a couple people rush off the ship.

One in particular is Poe Dameron. He pushes past you and stops in front of the General, breathing harshly.

"Leia. General...Leia." He says, trying to catch his breath and keep his composure. "I need to talk to you."

"Of course Poe. Let's get on with it." Leia waves her hand airily and you and Poe follow her to the command center of the base.

After Leia has called all the important people to the center, Poe begins his recounter.

"Our worst fears have been confirmed." Poe says. You feel someone wrap an arm around your shoulder, and then a baby is placed in your arms.

You grin up at Ben, wanting to kiss him. But this isn't the place or the time. Aayla lets out a yawn and closes her eyes sleepily.

"The Emperor. He's back." Poe says.

"The man from my dreams." Rey says. She tugs on a lock of hair nervously.

"He's on the planet Exegol." Ben pipes up. "When I was still with the First Order, after Snoke died, he tried to invade my mind."

"Exegol. I've never heard of it." Rey says.

"That's because it's beyond the Outer Rim and Wild space."

"How do we get there?" General Leia asks.

It's silent for a second.

"We need a Sith Wayfinder. I had one, on the Finalizer." Ben says.

"We have to get it back. We need to destroy the Emperor." General Leia says.

"That's just it General," Poe starts. "In the next 16 hours, the Emperor plans to release his army of Star Destroyers. He's calling it the Final Order."

"So we need to kill him before he gets the chance." You say, slowly rocking Aayla. You slightly turn your head and see Ben holding Anakin.

"How are we going to get onboard the Finalizer?" Rey asks. "It's not like Ben can just waltz in there now. He abandoned the First Order. Probably left carrot top in charge."

"You're right Rey." General Leia says.

"The Emperor...what does he look like?" You ask Rey.

"Well he's...he's definitely old. He has a red saber and he's usually dressed in black. You know, like any normal Sith Lord."

You glance up at Ben. "It's the man. From the wedding." You whisper. You reach up and fidget with your ash necklace.

"Astrid? Everything ok?" General Organa asks.

"There was a man. An old man, at Ben and I's wedding. He killed Annie. His saber was...odd looking. With a bent silver hilt."

Rey nods. "Yes, yes that's what his saber looked like. I remember now."

"So we go to Exegol." Poe says. "And we kill the Emperor."

"After we sneak onto the Finalizer and get the Sith Wayfinder." Ben says.

"I have an idea about that." You say, smirking.


As everyone boards the Millennium Falcon, you give Ajan Kloss one long last look. For some reason, you have a feeling it might be a while before you see it again.

At the base of the ramp stands General Leia and Matthew. Both are holding a baby.

You walks back down the ramp quickly, kissing each baby on the forehead and giving Matthew a hug. You nod at the General before turning on your heel and walking back up the ramp.

Ben stands, waiting for you. You both wave at the Resistance members until the ramp closes.

As the Falcon bursts into lightspeed, you sit on the bench in the Falcons main area.

Finn and Poe are sitting and laughing with each other. You grin at them, but they don't notice.

You lean over to Ben. "How much do you want to bet that Finn and Poe get together?"

"How much you want to bet they already are?" Ben whispers back.

The two of you chuckle quietly.

From the cockpit you hear an angry Wookiee growl.

"I hope Ani and Aya will be ok."

"I'm sure they will be. My mother knows her stuff."

You lean your head on Ben's shoulder. This trip is going to be long.


I actually think we're only four or five chapters away from this book ending :))

word count: 1188

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