~Chapter 45~

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Hana shot up again, taking a sharp breath in as she frantically looked around. She was in a dark room, she didn't recognize it. She was laying in a bed she never had seen before, a large one adorned in silk of black, purple, and gold.

"Ah, you're awake?" A deep, gruff voice spoke making her eyes snap to the source. This man that stood before her had to have been around seven feet tall, it was insane. His eye whites were gold, his irises being white. His hair was long and messy, a gorgeous raven color. His skin was fair, dark purple fades under his eyes, and a small, neat beard resting on his chin. He had blue claws, and his outfit was beyond anything Hana had seen, fit for a god if she could have guessed. It was a wonder how he even stood with all that heavy metal on him. Hana scooted back pressing her back on the headboard earning a dark chuckle.

"How rude of me, I should introduce myself." He spoke before bowing politely.

"I am known as Chici-ue Shi. Though, you might have guessed it was me already." He stood up straight again.

"You are a very smart girl, after all. Your worst fear isn't something irrational, it's a real happening that will take place, you know it will. Don't you?" He asked with a curious look on his face. Hana trembled as she looked down at her lap. He was right, it could happen as easily as that. She heard heavy footsteps making her gaze shoot up at the man again. He stopped at the end of the bed.

"Now I'm curious, how will you handle this?" Hana wore a confused look.

"You don't mean you're going to go on like you don't know the inevitable. Right?" He asked before walking to the side of the bed. Before he could reach Hana, however, she threw the blanket off and bolted to the door trying to pry it open, push it open, but it wouldn't budge.

"I'm curious of something else, Hana." He spoke completely ignoring her escape attempts.

"What is it you see in that mutt?" Hana froze, then looked back at Shi.

"What?" She whispered.

"He's dangerous, Hana. It's only a matter of time when you step in the wrong place and the wrong time, and he'll snap." Shi spoke, his eyes boring into her own.

"He would never hurt me!" Hana snapped turning to face him. She was shaky, still weak from the lack of breath earlier.

"Any demon has a breaking point, Hana. Naraku has messed with the mutt's mind, he's unstable. Even if he does adore you, cherish you, protect you, one wrong move from you- anything, and he'll do something that will haunt him for the rest of his life." He walked closer making Hana press her back against the door. He stood right in front of her with a gentle smile on his lips.

"You have to think, Hana. Either Naraku will find you and use you, or you'll be what Inuyasha regrets for the rest of his life. Either way, you're in danger or putting others in danger." Hana slowly looked down at the ground. He was right. Either she's used and kills those closest to her, or she will die leaving behind so much pain.

"But, there is something you can do to stop both outcomes." Hana looked up again. He was now holding a fancy, dark blade out to her. A dagger.

"Use this, peirce your heart and let it gather your soul. Once this is used on Naraku, he will be killed." Hana perked up.

"After all, it's your pure soul they need. So, will you offer them a proper weapon?" He asked. Hana stared at the dagger for some time. Could she really? What about her family? No, she had to, she had to save them! She brought a shaky hand to the blade, but as soon as she barely touched it, she quickly pulled back. It was so... odd. Just like the forest.

"I see, the magics scare you, just as I thought." He muttered before grabbing her hand making her jump, then he forced her to hold it making her shake.

"Keep this with you, think it over, make your choice. For now, I'm keeping you here where you're safe." He spoke before pulling back.

"Here? Wait, where are the others?!" Hana asked only for the man to turn into smoke leaving her alone. Hana panicked and looked around, no way out. She looked down at the dagger with shaking hands. She hadn't realized it, but she stayed like this for some time. The door opened making her jump and put the dagger in her pocket. What looked to be a goblin walked in.

"Miss, the lord has requested me to fit you for a new outfit for yours is dirty and torn." She spoke.

"N-New outfit?" Hana asked.

"Yes, now come, hurry, he expects it done!" With that, she was drug off. She was thrown in a bath where two women bathed her making Hana very tense wishing she could run and leave. They then drug her out drying her off before they slapped the new outfit on. It was a very short black and purple kimono decorated with gold chains and several jewels. Then, they somehow got just the right shoe size as they made her wear thigh-high black and purple boots decorated just like the kimono.

"How lovely!" One said.

"He will be pleased indeed!" The other said. Suddenly, the door was opened making everyone look. It was Shi. He held his hands behind him elegantly, a calm look on his face. The two women seemed to panic as they quickly bowed and trembled.

"My lord!" They said in unison. Shi ignored them as he stared at Hana. He then smiled softly.

"Looks lovely on you my dear." He walked over, taking her hand making her jump.

"Now, back to your room dear, where you are safe."

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