Back to school.

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It is a warm September afternoon as you apparated to the one place,you never wanted to see again. Hogwarts. It wasn't because you had hated it there,it is because of what almost happened to you in your sixth year. Your first and last date with Caplan Bordmann.

Of course your current boyfriend, Gellert Grindelwald was not happy with you coming here,but you needed to see someone. You had promised him to be extremely careful as the school year had began. There iss a Muggle saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Which is why you had decided to seek out Albus Dumbledore,in case Caplan had gone to him for help.

As you made your way along to the school, memory's of that evening came flooding back. You stopped, closed your eyes and thought of Gellert instead. You smiled to yourself at the memory of you and Gellert reading together. You were interrupted by a voice saying
"It is a pleasure to see you again Miss L/n"

You opened your eyes,to see Albus Dumbledore in front of you
"I would say the same,but given the choice,I'd rather not be back here" you reply

Luckily the students and teachers are in lessons,so you weren't seen. People would want to know why the second most wanted person,is walking and talking freely to a teacher.

Once inside his empty classroom,Albus turns to you and says
"What can I help you with y/n?"
"When was the last time you saw Caplan Bordmann?" You spat out the name
"Why do you wish to know?" Albus asks,leaning on his desk with hands in pockets.
"Answer my question and I shall answer yours"
"Very well,I saw Caplan two weeks ago. He came to me looking for help"Albus explains to you
"Did he happen to mention that he had held me captive for two months,and starved me?" You say angrily. Albus looked genuinely shocked at that
"No,I had no knowledge of that"

"Did he say where he was going next?" You ask
"Yes,to the ministry here in England" at least you knew your next destination,after talking it over with Gellert first.
"There is something that the ministry has forbid me from telling you,but it is only fair you have the right to know" Albus tells you suddenly
"I have the right to know what?" You ask curiously
" You have a younger brother"

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