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You and Queenie had a great time together, but their was an unexpected knock on the door. You draw your wand and open the door hesitantly,to reveal Abernathy
"I've been told to tell you to head to the living room,there is to be a meeting of all high ranking followers"
"Who told you this?" You ask
"Some new guy called Johnny" he informs you,you knew it was Gellert but he was meant to be away until tomorrow.

The three of you arrive at the living room,which was already full. You stood at the front as was accustomed to you,being Gellert's right hand. People where whispering to each other,some guy calls to you
"What's going on? Why'd you call this meeting?" Before you could answer,a voice says
"I called this meeting" you turn your head and see Johnny/Gellert
"You don't have the right to call a meeting,newbie" the guy continues, Johnny stops beside you and says
"Oh but I do have the right" and with that,Johnny turns back into Gellert. The guy who had spoken out,instantly fell silent.

"I have called you all here this evening to inform you,that there are two traitors amongst us" the room is as silent as a graveyard " Now you all know how I feel about betrayal, but these two traitors were planning to pass information to the ministry " Gellert looks around the room,people fidget nervously, you noticed was it fear or guilt.
"I will give you this chance to give your selves up"

Nobody moves, so Gellert walks around the circle of followers looking at them,like a king would inspecting his troops. You catch movement out the corner of your eye,but before they could fully draw there wand,you hand drawn yours and red light erupted from the tip and the person fell to the floor with a scream. Gellert turns and sees you with your wand pointed at a man on the floor.

Grindelwald makes his way over to him,you following keeping your wand on him. The man looks up to be greeted by you with your wand pointed at him and Gellert beside you,with his arms behind his back. The man looks between the two of you before shouting
"BILL,RUN FOR IT" and a guy breaks ranks and runs out the door and down the corridor,you ask Gellert
"How shall I stop him?"
"Painfully, but don't kill him my love" Gellert says casually. You turn to the open door and see the man almost at the other end, more red light comes out of your wand and the man called Bill screams and falls to the floor.

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