Gellert's plan.

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The three of you arrive back at Nurmengard,inside Gellert's office
"Where are we?" Matthew asks
"Nurmengard" Gellert says, back to himself. Matthew drew his wand,but it flies out of his hand and into your own
"Do that again,and I'll hurt you myself"
"Wait,you said he was your boyfriend, is that true" Matthew questions
"Yes its true" you smile at Gellert

"Now Matthew, I have a job for you" Gellert says sitting behind his desk,you sit on the edge of the desk beside him.
"I'm listening"
"Since no one knows at the ministry knows that your y/n's brother,they still fully trust you" Gellert begins" So I would like you to stay at the ministry and listen out for any information on Caplan Bordmann,and inform us if there is a traitor among us reporting to the ministry "
"OK,I can do that" Matthew says. Gellert takes out his wand and blue flames shoot out of it
"Pass threw the fire and prove your loyalty" Gellert tells him. Matthew looks confused, so you show him. You pass threw the fire and say
"See it's simple" Matthew passes threw the fire unhurt
"Now return to the ministry and do your job" Gellert orders him,you hand back his wand,and Matthew apparates back to the ministry.

You turn to Grindelwald
"You know your other appearance?"
"Yes" Gellert says hesitant
"I dare you to turn back and stay like that for the rest of the day,and see if any one figures it out"
"Your still such a child"
"Are you turning down a challenge?" You say smirking at him,he stands up and changes his appearance back and says

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