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Queenie is happily talking away about your engagement, you weren't really listening to what she is saying,the door opens and Gellert walks in
"Congratulations sir" Queenie tells him
"Thank you Queenie" he tells her,he walks over and sits down beside you

"Do you want to tell your brother?" Gellert asks you
"I'm not sure" you say "I mean he is my brother and blood family, but I don't really know anything about him and you guys are my family now"

"The choice is yours, my love" Gellert tells you
"I feel he still doesn't except you as my boyfriend, let alone my future husband" you tell him
"Just talk to him about it,I'm sure he will understand"
"And if he can't fully except you,then i want nothing more to do with him"
"He is your family" Gellert says
"You're my family,and he has to except that,or I don't want to know him any more" you say
"If that is your choice" Gellert says
"It is" you tell him

You apparate to the ministry to talk to your brother. If he wasn't happy then you would wipe his memory. Once inside his office you say
"Matthew,I have something really important to talk about"
"Okay" Matthew says
"I'm marrying Grindelwald" you tell him
"...whoa..." Matthew says,surprised
"We haven't set a date yet, but I want to know if you except my choice" you ask him
"Why wouldn't I?" he asks
"Because of who he is"

"Y/n,I don't care who you marry as long as he makes you happy and treats you right" Matthew tells you
"You mean that" you ask
"Yes I do" the door bursts open and a man says 
"Matthew Taylor,you are under arrest, for harbouring a criminal"
"Y/n L/n tell us where Grindelwald is?" A woman demands
"How about no" you smirk and send them flying with wand less magic.
You grab Matthew's hand and disaperate,before back up could arrive

You arrive back at Nurmengard,and head to Gellert's office. You open the door and say
"The ministry is now after Matthew".

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