Venting anger.

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A/n swear words and mentions of abuse

"Who?" Gellert asks you
"My own fucking mother" you say angrily. Gellert knew you were angry,you only swear when you are really angry
"Is this what Matthew told you?" He asks
"Yes,apparently Caplan did some work for that bitch,but it failed" you tell him
"It would seem like Caplan was working for her"
"That whore has been out of my life for fifteen years,and now comes back to ruin my life again" you say,kicking a chair over"I guess locking me in my room was not good enough for that evil cow,she has to resort to getting some prick to kidnapped me".

Gellert was silent, he is letting you vent your anger. It was why you and Credence bonded,you both had suffered at the hands of parents. You threw a book across the room
"Why must this fucking evil bitch come back into my life now" Gellert had never seen you this angry before,he wasn't scared more concerned " Have I not suffered enough? I was never good enough for her,always a disappointment, never lady like enough,the reason why my father left,why she could never make a man stay,everything was always my fault" you vent angrily, throwing things around.

Eventually you brake down and cry in Gellert arms. At least this time you weren't alone,you had great friends in Queenie and Credence, but most importantly you had Gellert. You had been threw a lot with him and now it was his turn to be there for you.

"I'm sorry for shouting, swearing and throwing things" you tell him,once you had calmed down
"Its fine my love,I know what you went threw with her" he reassures you" Don't worry I won't let her anywhere near you" you smile up at him
"I love you"
"I love you too"

"Now how about you teach me to bake" he says,you look at him surprised
"Really?" You ask
"If it will make you feel better,then yes" Gellert says
"You don't have to"
"But I love to see you happy,and if humiliating myself trying to bake is the only way,then I shall do it"
"You're the best"
"Of course I am"

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