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You and Gellert head down to the kitchen, you had told him about what you had got your brother to do. Inside the kitchen,you ask Queenie
"Has your sister always been a cold and suspicious person?"
"Yep" Queenie replies sitting down
"You didn't tell me this" Gellert says
"I'm saying it now"
"I'm guessing she had Newt with her?" Queenie asks
"Yeah,but for how much longer though,I don't know" you say

"How come?"
"I think Newt has a crush on me"
"Excuse me" your boyfriend asks"Explain"
"Well when I went to the ministry on my own for the first time I met Newt,we talked about his book and when I left,he was staring after me. Then today he was blushing when I spoke to him" you explain
"Well more fall him to like a woman that is not real" Grindelwald says
"Awww,is someone jealous?" You tease.

"Of that boy?Never" Gellert says defensive
"I think you being jealous is sexy"
"You think everything I do is sexy"
"Even though that last bit was gross,you two are still so cute together" Queenie tells you
"I'd like to meet your crush one day" you tell her
"I...don't have...a...crush" the blonde woman stutters
"Not what I heard" you turn to Gellert
"Yes his name is Jacob,I believe" Gellert says,causing Queenie to blush
"Queenie's got a crush, Queenie's got a crush" you sing,she glares playfully at you. Grindelwald stands up and says
"I have work to do,will you join me later to eat?"
"Of course"

To start with everything seemed normal at dinner with Gellert, but then you notice things,he wasn't really talking,he seemed nervous and his hands would shake from time to time
"Gellert?" You say
"Hmm" he replies
"Are you alright?" You ask,concerned
"I'm fine,just tired" he tells you, it is silent until he says"Let's take a walk"
"Since when do you ask for a walk?"
"Are you saying no?"
"Nope" you jump out of your seat and hurry to his side.

You and Gellert head out into the cool,crisp night air. You held hands as you walked up a small hill,you stood looking at the stars. There were so many,it was unbelievable,there is a wind blowing threw the trees
"Y/n?" Gellert asks for your attention. You turn to face him and what you see makes you speechless, for the first time ever.

Your boyfriend, Gellert Grindelwald the most wanted wizard ever,was down on one knee behind you
"Oh my god,is he..." You think,he takes your hand and says
"My life has been filled with lots of bad things,some were my fault most were not. I always tried to find the light in all the darkness,but I could never see it" (you could feel tears in your eyes)"But then I met you,and I knew my life would never be the same again. You were like no one I had met before, so loyal and smart and so kind and caring even to me even when I tried to push you away,you were still nice to me. I thought the day we began to date was the best of my life,but the day you said you loved me,that became my favorite day. Now I have five words that will either make or break my future." (You were now crying)he pulls out a small black box,and inside is a beautiful ring with a j/s(means jem stone) in the center,surrounded by little emeralds in the shape of the deathly hallows.
"Y/N L/N will you marry me?" Gellert asks,you had not seen this coming and you where so shocked you forgot to answer"Y/n,this snow is cold and I need an answer"Gellert asks nervous
"Yes you fool,a billion times yes" you cry and jump onto him,knocking you both over.

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