Not Paying Attention.

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You and Gellert worked out a plan to get inside the ministry safely,the only thing left to do is change your appearance. You had changed your hair colour and eye colour (pick your own colours) you just had to wait for Gellert.

Gellert came out of the bathroom and as you made eye contact in the mirror, you openly check him out. He is wearing black boots on his feet,black suit trousers, a black suit jacket,a black shirt and black tie. His hair is a dark brown that looked almost black and is slicked back from his face. He is clean shaven,his skin is a healthy colour but what really got your attention was as usual his eyes,except this time they were both a beautiful chocolate brown colour.

 He is clean shaven,his skin is a healthy colour but what really got your attention was as usual his eyes,except this time they were both a beautiful chocolate brown colour

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A/n this what Gellert looks like,minus the hand tattoo and necklaces.

"You know its rude to stare" Gellert tells you, his voice is deep with an American accent
"Holy shit" is all you said,as he stopped in front of you
"That was the exact reaction I was expecting" he says smirking "your beautiful as well my dear"
"Have you seen your self?" You tell him as he puts his arms around you to apparate
"Are you going to keep staring?"
"If you don't want me to stare,then you should have made your self ugly"
"You know that's impossible for me" he says smugly,and then apprates to England.

You reluctantly remove your arms from him,but take ahold of his arm and head to the ministry.
"Now as much as I enjoy you watching me,you may want to pay attention to were your going before you walk into someone" Gellert informs you
"Fine" you focus on were your going
"Oh and one more thing" Gellert stops and turns to you,he runs his finger's of his free hand over your deathly hallows necklace and brushing the skin of your neck at the same time turns the necklace into a red heart and two sparrows necklace.

(A/n this is the necklace,and its mine in real life)"So no one gets suspicious" he tells you,you weren't listening, you were to busy enjoying the feeling of his fingers on your neck"Are you listening to me?" You hear Gellert asks"Huh?" You say cau...

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(A/n this is the necklace,and its mine in real life)
"So no one gets suspicious" he tells you,you weren't listening, you were to busy enjoying the feeling of his fingers on your neck
"Are you listening to me?" You hear Gellert asks
"Huh?" You say causing him to roll his eyes and say
"If you don't start to pay attention, I will cover you in cold water"
"I'm sorry,but you shouldn't look that damn sexy" you tell him
"Am I not always sexy?"
"Of course you are"

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