Strange behavior.

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"Rude"you say to Gellert
" What are you two doing?" Credence asks
"Making cupcakes" Gellert tells him
"Why are you both a mess?" Queenie asks
"Well I don't follow orders,and she's a child" Gellert explains,at the moment you were eating the frosting,you stop and glare playfully at Gellert and quickly squirt him with frosting on his shirt,in the shape of the deathly hallows.
"No fair,I wasn't looking" Gellert whines,you stick out your tounge and say
"I win" and you run off,with Gellert chasing you.

Queenie and Credence exchange a look and he asks
"Is that what love does to you?"
"I don't think so" Credence takes one of the cupcakes and bites into it,but spits it out
"Something is wrong with this"
"I doubt it,y/n's a good cook" Queenie says also taking a bite,Credence was right something was wrong. They follow the trail of flour on the floor to the living room and find y/n and Gellert,hitting each other with pillows.

"Hey,lovebirds" Queenie calls,Gellert looks to the door at the sound of her voice and whilst he was districted y/n,who was on the sofa dives onto his back sending them both crashing to the floor
"I think you mean children" Credence says,laughing
"Something is not right" Queenie says,the two on the floor where laughing at each other.

Queenie and Credence pull them up and put them onto the sofa. Queenie collected some flour off of y/n and tastes it
"Just as I though"
"What is it?"
"The flour has been mixed with a powder that makes the person who uses it become like children,its non fatal" Queenie explains
"How do you know this?"Credence asks
"My sister came across the same thing at Macusa a few years ago,it should were off" Queenie says

"As long as they haven't eaten any,we just have to keep them safe"
"There only two problems" Credence says
"Yeah,we don't know if they have eaten any" Queenie begins
"And they have disappeared" Credence finishes,Queenie sees the sofa empty
"How hard is it for two children to stay put?"

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