Little Brother

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"I'm sorry what?" You ask confused
"Your mother actually had two children, one girl and one boy" Albus begins to explain "but because your parents marriage was over,your father raised your brother, whilst you stayed with your mother" you stayed silent as you took in this new information

"What's his name?" You ask
"Matthew Taylor,your father gave him a different last name, so your mother wouldn't find him" Albus tells you,you sat on a desk,to think you went looking for information, but instead discovered a family secret
"Where does he work?"
"The ministry, he works with dangerous animals"

"Why doesn't the ministry want me to know about him?" You ask
"Because your father asked them to,considering your a wanted person" he admits
"Yes well,its my choice if I want to find him,and neither you or the ministry will stop me" you stand up and head to the door. Just before you leave you turn back and say"Thanks for telling me about my brother " and with that left.

You apparated back to Nurmengard and headed to the living room to sit and think. As you look into the fire,loads of questions fill your mind
"What did Matthew look like?"" Should I look for him?""why didn't my dad want me to meet him?" You hadn't even noticed that Credence and Abernethy were in the room. They charged out of the room,both eager to tell Grindelwald you were back.

Once outside his office, they both knock on the door. The door opens and they both literally fall threw the door
"What are two doing?" Gellert asks them
"Sir its..." Abernethy begins,but Credence says over him
"Its y/n,she's back and in the living room" Gellert steps over the two on the floor and hurries to the living room. He opens the door and see's you looking into the fire,the room is empty except for you two.

You hear the door open but don't move,it was only when someone sits beside you,that you look and see it is Gellert
"How did it go love?" He asks softly
"Well Caplan went to Dumbledore two weeks ago looking for help,but finding none there he said he was heading to the ministry" you tell him
"That's were we search next"
"That wasn't the only thing he told me" you look at him"I have a younger brother,who works for the ministry "

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