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You and Queenie arrived back at Nurmengard,you left your dress with Queenie and ran to Gellert's office. You burst threw the door
"Do come in" Gellert said sarcastically
"I would normally knock but this is extremely important" you tell him
"Continue" Gellert says,shutting the door with a flick of his wrist
"Caplan is in the nearby town" you say
"How do you know this?" He asks
"Just before me and Queenie where about to head back here,I noticed him in the crowd of people"
"How long ago was this?"
"Not five minutes ago"

Gellert is thinking, when you add
"He was meeting someone"
"Who?" Gellert asks
"Jessica L/n" you say bitterly
"Your mother"
"She lost the right to be called mother,when she began to abuse me"

"We will get someone to follow them" Gellert says, standing up and looking out the window
"My brother" you say
"Why him?" Gellert inquires
"It will give him the chance to prove he can be trusted" you say,going to stand behind him. You wrap your arms around his middle and rest your head on his back.

"Whilst Matthew is following Caplan,we will carry on as normal,then when we have enough info on why they where here,we will kill them" Gellert says,turning away from the window and facing you.

"What are you thinking, my love" Gellert asks you
"That its no accident that Caplan would be so close to Nurmengard,especially this close to the wedding" you tell him.
Gellert hugs you and says
"No one will stop us from being married,people have tried to come between us but all have failed" you suddenly pull back and look up at Gellert

"What?" He asks
"I think I know who has been telling everything to Caplan" you tell him
"Its just a hunch,but I think I remember Caplan mentioning the name of his best friend on our date" and with that you charge out the door,leaving a very confused Grindelwald.

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