No Escape.

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With Matthew's help you had managed to work out Caplan and Jessica's comings and goings. It is mostly Caplan that went out,which didn't surprise you at all,you knew Jessica was lazy.

Today is the day you where finally going to be rid of these evil people, the plan had been made and all that was left to do was put the plan into motion, but you had to wait until they were both together. So you and Gellert started the day as normal.

You greeted Queenie and Credence in the kitchen as normal.You and Gellert sat beside each other and acted normal,nobody except for Matthew knew what you were doing-not even Abernethy.

When the time came you and Gellert apparated to the local town and walked to the abandoned building where Caplan and Jessica are hiding. Of course you wouldn't have expected this building, because it is far beneath what Jessica liked to live in. You laughed at the thought
"What's amused you?" Gellert asks
"I was just thinking how good my life is compared to her's" you tell him"She spent six years of my life putting me down,saying I would never achieve anything,and yet here I am years later part of the greatest cause ever and living in a castle..."

"And engaged to the most handsome and dashing wizard ever" Gellert interrupted
"Arrogant much" you say,to which he simply smirks and says
"Yeah but you love it"
"Yes and as I was saying I might be a wanted criminal,but she is the one hiding in an abandoned building with some loser to help her" you add.

You had arrived at the building, you and Grindelwald drew your wands and silently made your way inside.You could hear talking in the distance, so you followed the sound.It lead you to what looked like an old living room,Gellert stayed back whilst you stood in the door way and said
"Jessica L/n".

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