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"I had been in the company of that woman for no more that fifteen minutes and I know that the two of you are nothing a like" Gellert tells you
"That's nice to know" you tell him"I'm just glad that I'm nothing like her"
The two of you dispose of the bodies and leave the building, walk back threw the town and apparate back to Nurmengard.

The two of you sit and talk in the living room for a time. You told Gellert more in detail about what it was like growing up with that woman
"When I started Hogwarts, I tried everything to make her proud of me,I got top marks in all my lessons,I tried not to get into trouble but I now realise nothing I ever did was good enough for her"
"When did you stop trying to make her proud?" Gellert asks
"About the time when I became Hogwarts school dueling champion, which I was fifteen at the time I gave up on her and just focused on my self" you say.

You and Grindelwald leave the living room and head to the kitchen, which is empty
"Shocking, no Queenie" you say
"She doesn't spend all of her time in here" Gellert tells you,you spot a tray of cookies behind Gellert,you walk over to him but don't stop and carry on to the cookies. You turn around and have one cookie in each hand and one in your mouth.

"I hope your planning on sharing those" Gellert asks,you shake your head no"Why not?" You shrug as you could not speak. So he simply reaches out and takes one from your hand,you eat the cookie in your mouth,whilst glaring at Gellert
"Get your own cookie next time"
"I've never had a cookie before" Gellert admits
"That doesn't even make sense" you say shocked

"It does taste different" he tells you
"If you don't want give it back" you say
"No" he says,shoving the rest in his mouth
"Animal" you smirk,Queenie enters the kitchen and notices the missing cookie's
"Who took my cookie's?" She asks you two,you point to Gellert
"He did"
"Oh that's fine" Queenie says
"Why does he get away with it,and I don't" you complained
"Because you always eat them all" Gellert finally says,you stick out your tounge at him.

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