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You felt safe being in Gellert's strong arms,you are enjoying the silence until it is disturbed by your stomach rumbling,causing Gellert to laugh
"I think someone's hungry"
"A little" you say
"Then we shall eat" he says,moving to stand up, only for you to hold onto him
"Its alright love,we are only going to wash and get dressed" he tells you
"We?"you ask
" Yes we"he stands up,picking you up with him and going into the bathroom.

Once you were both clean and tidy,you glance at your self in the mirror you look normal,the only difference is the dark circles under your eyes. You take Gellert's hand as you both head down stairs. Even though you knew that the nightmare wasn't real,you didn't want to be away from Gellert's side. Surprisingly there is no one in the kitchen. You sat down,as Gellert moved around the kitchen getting things out of cupboards
"What are you doing?" You ask
"I'm going to make you breakfast" he says
"Since when do you cook?" You inquire
"I'm not going to let my lack of skill in the kitchen,stop me from making you breakfast"he says,determined.

Everything was going well for Grindelwald, that is until he burned his hand and let out a string of curse words
"You kiss your mother with that potty mouth?" You smirk

"Nope,just you"he says,he goes to kiss you,but you stop him and say
"Let me see your hand"he rolls his eyes,but gives you his left hand which is red. You kiss it gently,he pulls his hand away from your lips and replaced it with his lips.

He pulls you up from your seat,and pulls you closer to him. Before things could get heated though you pull back,making Gellert whine from the loss of your lips
"Someone's outside the door" you say,with a flick of Gellert's wrist the door opens,to reveal Abernethy, Credence and Queenie
"Enjoying breakfast?" Abernethy asks walking into the room. You hear Gellert mutter something along the lines of"I was enjoying something,until you showed up"as he sat beside you.

After eating you and Gellert head to the living room,to read. Gellert sat down in a chair by the fire,whilst you picked up a book. You turn to face him with a hand on your hip
"And where am I meant to sit?" You ask,he reaches out taking ahold of you by the waist and pulling you down onto his lap,causing you to squeak in surprise,and he kisses you again.
You pull apart breathless,he smirks at your flushed face.

Whilst Grindelwald is reading Y/n fell asleep on him,he carefully puts the book down and just let's her sleep. He didn't care how long he had to sit there,as long as she got an undisturbed sleep. At some point Queenie and Credence entered the room. Queenie had to cover her mouth to stop the squeal from escaping,Gellert watched them as they looked for something. Suddenly the door opened with a loud slam,making everyone glare at the door. It is Abernethy.

Credence hurried over to him and whispered for him to not disturb y/n's sleep for it would anger Grindelwald. Abernethy quickly apologized and moved around the room. He is still making noise,Gellert grew worried that you would awaken from your much needed sleep. He indicated for Queenie to hand him the book in her hands,she handed it over,which Gellert then threw straight at Abernethy's head.

The younger wizard grabbed his head in pain and faced the dark wizard, he said in his head
"If you wake her up,I will make you suffer".

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