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Jessica and Caplan looked at you when you had spoken
"If it isn't my own daughter, Y/n L/n" Jessica said
"Its Y/n Grindelwald actually" this was part of the plan,you wanted to taunt her like she had so many times to you before
"You're married to the Grindelwald?" She asks in disbelief
"Is there any other" you say
"You're lying" Jessica hisses
"Why don't you ask him your self" and with that you and Gellert both enter the room and shut all the doors and windows.

"She is not lying" Gellert says,but they didn't have to know you where not yet married
"How on earth did you marry him?" Jessica demands"Your nothing"
"I'm smarter,stronger and more beautiful than you" you tell her casually. Caplan had not spoken he was fearfully watching the elder wand in Gellert's hand
"You didn't tell me she was married you idiot" Jessica shouts at Caplan

"Its not his fault he is an incompetent loser" you taunt her,she takes out her wand only for it to fly out of her hand and straight into Grindelwald's,who then snaps it in half
"Tell me what do you plan to do now?" You ask"You have no wand,a coward of a partner and are trapped in this room"
"I have Braxton..." Jessica says
"Braxton is dead,I killed him" Gellert informs her,Jessica snatches Caplans wand,but you acted faster and hit her with the torture curse.

You did not see what happened to Caplan,but whatever Gellert did to him would not have been painless. You stand over Jessica
"I want to know why you did what you did to me?"
"I did nothing to you"
"You sent that low life,to join the greater good just to make me suffer. Have I not suffered enough at your hands" you say
"No you can never suffer enough" Jessica spat
"Why?Why do this to your only daughter?" You demand
"Because you ruined my life,you where always an embarrassment to me. My friends were ashamed of me because of you" she shouts
"I was only a child,I didn't understand. What gave you the right to do want you did to me. I only ever wanted you to be proud of me,but nothing I ever did was ever good enough for you." You tell her,you crouch down to be beside her pointing your wand straight at her heart.

Jessica pleads for her life on her knees
"Please Y/n,please you're my daughter. You wouldn't do this to me"
"You are nothing to me,but a bad memory. You made me suffer for six years and now I have one thing I want you to do" you tell her
"Anything,I'll hand my self into the ministry, I'll never bother you again" she pleads
"The only thing I want you to die" you say as green light hits her and she crumples at your feet,dead.

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