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Eventually you and Gellert made it to the ministry. You asked someone where you could find Matthew Taylor. Once outside his office, you turn to Grindelwald and say
"Leave the talking to me"
"And what am I meant to do?" He asks "And don't say" just stand and look pretty "
"I wasn't going to say that" you say,he just gives a look and you say"OK,you got me. Just stand by the door and keep a look out"

You knock on the door,after a few seconds it opens and you come face to face with a young man,his hair is the same colour as yours but lighter and his eyes are the same colour as yours, but darker
"Are you Matthew Taylor?" You ask him
"Yes,Who are you?" He replies, Gellert pushes him back into his office and closes the door.
"What did I tell you" you say to your boyfriend
"Fine" Gellert guards the door. You turn back to Matthew
"Sorry about him,he's very protective of me" you tell him
"So who are you?"
"I'm your sister y/n l/n" you say and drop your disguise

Matthew sits down in his chair in disbelief
"How did you even get in here?" He asks
"That's not important, I need to ask you something?" He nods"do you know Caplan Bordmann?"
"I heard he was here recently, but that's all I know" he informs you. You were going to have to work out a new plan to find Caplan.

"Are you staying in this country?" Matthew asks
"I can't tell you" you say
"Oh...because I wanted to get to know you,your my sister after all"
"Um...well..." You begin
"He can come with us" Gellert says from the door
"What?" You turn to him
"He can be of value to us" he informs you
"Who is he?"
"My boyfriend"
"Really?" Matthew asks,glancing at Gellert
"Yes,and don't try to get protective brother on me because,well..." You start
"You'll regret it" Gellert finishes "We have to leave, people are heading this way" Gellert walks over to you and takes your hand,you turn grab ahold of your brother and you all dissaparate.

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